Le lundi 04 avril 2005 Ã 11:10 -0700, fadi qutaishat a Ãcrit :
> Hi all ,


> I think I getting confused in suing the cocoon session. I think I am
> not clear with defining  the right configuration for a session inside
> a pipeline. Please could some one send me an example on how to use and
> configure a session in a pipeline, it would be great if the example
> uses the session transformer and loads data from a database for its
> context.
> I have read the cocoon documentation but I did not manage to
> completely implement the concept of the session.

Will try to explain what we have done in our app. First of all, if you
didn't done this, maybe you could read:


First, use of session-fw and auth-fw. We've got a normal auth-fw use. As
you must generate a session-fw compatible xml stream in the
Âauthenticate pipeline match , you're already have a session context.

The database access done in the authentication match (we're using XSP, a
login.xsp with esql).

Then, the session transformer is used to display information for users.
We've got the following match:

            <map:match pattern="authentification.xdoc">
                <map:act type="auth-loggedIn">
                    <map:parameter name="handler" value="myotishandler"/>
                    <map:act type="auth-protect">
                        <map:parameter name="handler" value="myotishandler"/>
                        <map:generate src="backend/session.xml"/>
                        <map:transform type="session"/>
                        <map:transform src="xsl/session2xdoc.xsl"/>
                        <map:serialize type="xml"/>
                <map:generate type="serverpages" 
                <map:transform src="xsl/authxdoc.xsl"/>
                <map:serialize type="xml"/>

If the use is logged in, we display the content of backend session.xml
(see below for content), with the session-transformer and a xsl

Here is the content of session.xml:

<content xmlns:session="http://apache.org/cocoon/session/1.0";>
        <session:getxml context="authentication" path="/"/>

The session tranformer transform this file in a stream like this:

    <ID>Unique ID of the user in the system</ID>
    <role>rolename</role> <!-- optional -->
        Any additional optional information can be supplied here. 
        This will be stored in the session for later retrieval

If the user is not authenticated, we display the login box.

Hope this helps.

AurÃlien DEHAY   http://zorel.org

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