I've just taken a look at the hibernte, cocoon, spring petstore. Looks
like it does precisely what I was saying..

Getting the appContext in flow script seems obvious now I've seen it done.. 


On Apr 11, 2005 12:08 AM, Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want to start the DB with the webapplication then i can think
> of worse things than simply having a DBServer.init() which would also
> allow you to configure parameters in web.xml. Thats about as closely
> as you'd want to couple cocoon to the DB. I'm not sure if HSQLDB
> supported transactions, but should be okay for read access apps. Its
> possible that the hibernate wrappers for the JDBC calls report that
> transactions are working, when the db will tell you otherwise, this is
> the case with mysql when using myisam table engine (depends on who
> wrote the jdbc driver).
> On hibernate.
> I'm not sure how you access the application context in flowscript (if
> thats a problem, I have a feeling that only the cocoon servlet context
> would be avialiable in flowscript), but i'd look around at any notes
> on intgregrating spring with cocoon. This would give you a very clean
> separation, spring makes light work of hibernate, the spring servlet
> places any configured services (means of accessing your hibernated
> objects) and then the trick would just be getting the services in your
> view (in this case cocoon). This would mean no need to have db
> configuration in your view resources (cocoon.xconf etc), but rather in
> spring.
> I'd have a look for one of the numberous examples on hibernate and
> spring, and then look for folk who have used spring with cocoon. It
> must be doable.
> "The Hibernate builtin connection pool is for testing purposes only. It
> might work on some databases, but I definately saw it break on MySQL
> when leaving it running overnight."
> Regarding the connection pooling breaking on mysql, this could be the
> mysql driver rather than the hibernate's default pooling (commons dbcp
> i believe, although not entirly sure). There were a few pesky drivers
> around with mysql that where causing strife for a while. I've used
> hibernate with mysql and postgres without issue (other than the weeks
> tracking down the jdbc issue), both with spring and a more standard
> hibernate way.
> Mark
> On Apr 9, 2005 5:57 PM, Grzegorz Sikora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Sebastien,
> >
> > Saturday, April 9, 2005, 4:42:04 PM, you wrote:
> >
> > SA> - What is the URL of my HSQLDB database ?
> > SA> - How can I configure it to tell him for example where to put its files 
> > ?
> > SA> I know I can find information about that in HSQLDB documentation but
> > SA> here as I'd like my database to be embedded in my web application, I
> > SA> guess there is somewhere in Cocoon where I have to add code to
> > SA> initialize it when Cocoon is started...
> > SA> Any ideas ? Or at least has somebody already successfully used that
> > SA> configuration ?
> >
> > Search for hsqldb-server tag and datasources tag both in
> > cocoon.xconf.
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> >  Grzegorz Sikora
> >
> >
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