Le 25 août 05, à 15:57, Oliver Schalch a écrit :
...Looks like issues in the grammer (wiki.grm or generation of wiki.xgrm),
or what do you think?...

Chaperon is a parser for strict grammars, and as such not really suited for wiki parsing where you need a somewhat permissive parser.

I've been using radeox (http://radeox.org/space/start) in Cocoon apps and it works well, except that I needed to cleanup the output quite a bit to create clean XML. If you want to try it I can post some code samples, it's fairly easy to integrate.

I was meaning to create a radeox block for Cocoon last year, but never found time,if you're willing to contribute that it would be cool. I think the Forrest people might be interested as well.


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