Hi Oliver,

Not dead, but there aren't lots of people asking questions, so we might doze off from time to time... ;-)

Contrary to all the other answers, I'll focus on the actual question, because I believe it is still unanswered, while the answer to it is, to my humble opinion, actually quite simple.

The Wiki grammar that is shipped with Chaperon is written such that it allows a top-level title, followed by sub-level titles and between those subsub-level titles (intermingled with paragraphs and such). However, no grammar rule is added to support subsub-level titles directly underneath a top-level title, which means you are actually skipping a section level.

So you could say that Chaperon is quite strict, but actually it is the grammar that is not accepting the wiki file you supply. Change the wiki grammar to make it work.

I expect that somewhere in some logfile there is a message that will state that a subsubtitle token is not expected at that point. Though, the error message itself might be a little less clear about it.. :-P


Oliver Schalch wrote:

Seems like really dead on the Chaperon List...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Chaperon-users] wiki grammer
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 11:33:14 +0200
From: Oliver Schalch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

We are building a publication for Lenya, where we can use and make Wiki
Documents. Therefor we use some parts from Chaperon/Cocoon, now the wiki
Syntax have some strange behavior, and I want to ask if anyone
noticed similar behavior or know where I should go look more into...

If I write a normal wiki document like:
!!! Bigtitle
!! A bit smaller
! Smal...
that works fine but when I insert the ! tag between !!! and !! tags then
nothing will be shown.
It looks like that it have problems just with the ! someTitle, because
if you want start the document with !, also
nothing will be displayed.

Looks like issues in the grammer (wiki.grm or generation of wiki.xgrm),
or what do you think?


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