Thanks Ralph. Yes maybe this is the easiest way: check on the label name, if the label name is from outside, automatic anonymous sign-in, if inside, i'll redirect to login.

Ralph Goers wrote:

Philippe Guillard wrote:

Thanks Ralph. Yes i think this is an issue for making public internet WebApp as we see today. My understanding is that Portal is based on Authentication framework, but as anonymous is systematicly authenticated, redirection to login for a protected page doesn't redirect to login.

The portal sample site automatically logs in a user as "anonymous" when they access the portal and are not logged in. There is no requirement that you do that unless, of course, you want to allow anonymous users. However, as I understood your request, you want to allow users to go directly to a page. In your sitemap you can check if the pagelabel has been specified and if it has then do the auth-protect. If the user has not logged in this will redirect to login. If you are allowing anonymous users though, you will have to check for that as well.


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