I've just begun using Yourkit with Cocoon , following your suggestion, but as i'm a newbie on this i'm having trouble understanding the results i'm getting.

I would like to check 2 things if possible:

1st - what is the cpu/memory usage on generating PDF/RTF files ?
2nd - does the cpu/memory usage changes with the number of users
      requesting to generate RTF/PDF? How high is the increase?

What threads should i take on account to achieve the previous goals??


On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Antony Grinyer wrote:
Has anyone successfully integrated a Java memory profiler (such as JProfiler or YourKit) with Cocoon? I'd like to test the memory usage of a Cocoon transformer that is a Java class, but I'm not sure how I can get the a Java profiler to profile Cocoon transformers?

Yes. I successfully use Yourkit with Cocoon. See ":doYourkitProfile" in http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/trunk/cocoon.bat to find out how to start Jetty. Of course this requires a properly installed Yourkit (IIRC it requires some native library in the system path).

With this setting you can the JVM access remotly at port 10000.

Hope this helps.


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