Was does work is the use of the extension in calls to xsl:apply-templates,
but that is not what I want. It will help iff you want to apply a template to
one specific XPath. What I need is to copy the entire XML tree using a
regular xsl:copy, with some extra highlighting tags inserted for the XPath.

You might want to take a look at the HighlightingTransformer that has been donated only a week or two ago. Look for messages with that name in the cocoon-dev mailinglist.

Though, I think it marks keywords, not element matching a specific xpath...

By the way, I think you approach of generating a XSL to achieve the highlighting is not bad at all, quite powerful even. I have been using the approach on many fields allready. Mostly for template mechanisms (when jxgenerator wasn't yet around).

In your case performance might be an issue though. When the Xpaths vary a lot, a new XSL has to be generated, compiled and cached each time. :-(


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