The documentation for the RealPathModule says:
RealPathModule  provides a real filesystem path for a virtual context-relative path.

must give a real filesystem path the virtual context-relative /ccajax/data path
Giving the virtual path on a mounted sitemap, the real filesystem path is  C:\Documents\CocoonSites\ccajax\data
and not C:\Documents\cocoon-2.1.8\build\webapp\ccajax\data, in my sample.

I think the documentation is inaccurate.

On 11/22/05, Sylvain Wallez < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
> I have some sitemaps monted with the root mont-table.xml
> I have the following line in the mount-table
>   <mount uri-prefix="ccajax/" src=""
> The ccajax directory has a data subdirectory.
> When I use
> {realpath:/ccajax/data}
> I get
>   C:\Documents\cocoon-2.1.8\build\webapp\ccajax\data
> which is false; the true value is
>   C:\Documents\CocoonSites\ccajax\data
> Is this a misunderstanding from me or a bug in Cocoon?

It's a misunderstanding: the realpath module uses the webapp's context
object to get the real path of a resource *in the webapp*, and has no
relation with the current sitemap's location nor the current URL prefix.

I'm not sure there's a module that does what you're looking for...


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies           
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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Jean-Claude Moissinac
Department of Computer Science and Networks
ENST Paris

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