I asked a few days ago about creating a PDF on a background thread (Subject:Create PDF on background) but didn't got an answer I could use. Our users requests the PDF and it cannot be batched. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to be created. What I want to do is something like this:

<map:match pattern="background-pdf-document">
 <map:generate type="custom_generator" src=""/>
 <map:transform src="my_transform.xsl"/>
 <map:serialize type="background">
   <!-- pipeline for pdf (or anything) to be run in the background -->
   <!-- because it takes a while to be created -->
<map:parameter name="actual_pipeline" value="cocoon:/pdf_pipeline" type="fo2pdf"/> <!-- pipeline to display progress of pipeline 1 refreshing it until pipeline 1 is done? --> <map:parameter name="progress_pipeline" value="cocoon:/progress_pipeline" type="html"/>

Is something like this possible? Maybe a custom serializer? Is there another way to do this?

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