Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 19:16:41 -0500

> >>I would need to do an XSLT transform, perhaps using cocoon, to extract
> >that data?
> That's another possibility. Or, if you've got XMLSpy you could open the URL > in one window, write some XSL in another, and even run it without leaving
> the program.  No doubt other XML/XSL editors could do the same; XMLSpy's
> just the one I've been using most recently so I know it's possible in that.

XMLSpy would work, I think, but I'd like to do it myself, and can't
afford the software at the moment.

Another possibility - I just checked the XML features in Netbeans and that can run XSL Transformations. Free download from
No doubt there's an equivalent Eclipse plugin too.

I don't need to serve the results up over the web, but I do need to
use something like mysqlimport to get the results into a database.

Saxon sounds like it might be the way to go.  I'd expect to do this
about twice per day.  What'd be the starting point to do this with
Saxon, please?

That is, I need to write the transform document, and run it from the shell?

Yes, with something like
java -jar dir/saxon.jar [options] source-document stylesheet [paramsÂ…]


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