I'm working this cforms.
My forms are OK except for one thing :fd:on-value-changed :
<fd:field id="dossier.type" required="true">
<fd:label><i18n:text i18n:catalogue="biosec"
<fd:datatype base="string"/>
<fd:selection-list src="cocoon:/listes/dossier_type.xml"/>
java.lang.System.err.println("Was here!");
java.lang.System.out.println("Was here!");
print("was here");
var datatype = event.source;
var value = datatype.value; // value of datatype
var users = datatype.parent.lookupWidget("dossier.organisme.nom");
if (value!="") {
datatype.value = "";
even if i change the value of my list, nothing is printed and the value
of the other list isn't changed.
I think the javascript isn't read.
do you have an idea of what the problem can be?
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