One way of doing this would be using jx:set and jx:if in your template:

<jx:set var="lang" value="${cocoon.parameters.lang}"/>

Then at the point where you need the special tags:

<jx:if test="${lang == 'en'}">

and so on for the other custom tags. Using jx:choose and jx:when would
of course work too.

I imagine there must be a more elegant way of solving the problem...

Hope that helps,


Sanket Pattekar wrote:
> I am using jx template generator.
> I am passing a parameter called language from cocoon sitemap. The
> values to this could be en, nl or some thing different.
> <map:generate type="jx" src="test/test.xml">                   
> <map:parameter
> name="lang" value="en"/>
> </map:generate>
> Based on the lang value I need to create a tag, for example if value
> is en, then I need to create a xml element called
> <h:title-en/>
> and if the lang value is nl, then I need to create a xml element called
> <h:title-nl/>

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