As a newbie to cocoon I'm trying to see the advantages of this framework at the 
We have a project based on cocoon here running for a few years now. As things 
normally are, developers did not have much time and many features to implement 
and so things are not as nice as one would like them to be...
Basically the pipline is quite easy. We are generating an intermediate 
language, which serves as an abstraction of html. This is done by xsp's, the 
layouting is done with xsl's as a second step. The idea is nice: We are doing 
something like "seperation of concerns".
Problem is the following now: We have many many many xsl-templates, which are 
not used. Secondly, we are generating tags with our xsp's, which are not 
further processed but just omitted. Both things are overhead, when doing a 
repaint of all pages, as we are trying to do now. Main problem is, that the 
application is rather big.
When I just delete a template it might be in use anywhere in those 500 pagees 
and I might not recognize...
When using Java I like eclipse showing me code which is not used anywhere. When 
using this xslt thing I dont have anything like that?
1) What would be a development process avoiding the problem mentioned? Does a 
dtd/schema for the intermediate language help? Should I document all 
dependencies between xsp's and xsl-templates?
2) Is it best to throw everything away now and start from scratch? Maybe better 
without cocoon?
Best regards,
 Michael Gnatz


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