What do you mean it is caching other contexts? Do you mean that objects from other servlet contexts are being placed in the cache?

Cocoon only caches its own content. Now I suppose it is possible that if you are using Hibernate or something else that also uses ehcache that the stuff they are caching might end up in the same cache as Cocoon's, but it isn't Cocoon doing this. Basically, the cache is more or less just a Map. Something somewhere has to do a put to get it into the cache. Nothing is just going to arbitrarily pick up random objects and store them in the cache. You can easily change Cocoon's default store to use something other than ehcache.



Well, I just tried with ehcache 1.2.1 and it's still caching other

-----Original Message-----
From: Mato Mira, Fernando (DIA CHE) Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 3:12 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: RE: Kill the cache?

ehcache 1.2 uses the context classloader, not the system classloader

Anyway, it's not that I am accessing classes across contexts, it's
that we are seeing classes being cached in other contexts.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simone Gianni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 3:08 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: Kill the cache?

In that case :
1) Check your container classloading settings, the jars of a context
should not propagate to other contextes.
2) If you don't find any suitable classloading configuration in your
container, use the paranoid cloassloader servlet instead of the default
one, that should force cocoon to use only it's own jars.

In both cases, it's very strange (but depends on the container/JRE
configuration, so definitively possible) that a class from a context
propagates to other contextes.

Hope this somehow helps,


I think the problem might be that Cocoon is shipping with ehcache 1.1,
which seems to exhibit "singleton behavior".

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Bair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 2:47 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: RE: Kill the cache?

maybe u should specify which other context cocoon might cache?

only request on your sitemap are processed by cocoon, aren't they?


Roland Bair
Research & Development
Topcall International AG
A-1230 Wien, Talpagasse 1



           [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To 06.07.2006 14:37 <users@cocoon.apache.org>


           Please respond to
Subject [EMAIL PROTECTED] RE: Kill the cache?


I don't want to remove what has been cached, I want cocoon to stop
my other contexts.

From: Zhu Di [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 2:34 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: Kill the cache?

try delete content under

2006/7/6,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I don't want to disable it in the pipeline. I want to remove the cache
mechanism completely

because it's caching other contexts, and nobody put that in any


From: Cocoon Man [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 2:15 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: Kill the cache?

Hello Fernando,

To disable default Cocoon cache mechanism, just indicate that you want
use a "noncaching" pipeline in your sitemap.xmap file:

<map:pipeline type="noncaching">


This whole situation of cocoon caching other contexts is unacceptable.

How do I kill the cache mechanism completely?


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