Hi Jason,
I have resolved this issue by doing:

<xsl:template match="*">
      <xsl:element name="{name()}" namespace="{namespace-uri()}">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

Many regards for your reply.


On 22/07/06, Jason Johnston < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andrew wrote:
> Any ideas anyone?

Not totally sure I get what you're after, but my best guess is maybe you
just want to do an <xsl:copy-of select="login_fields" /> in your first
stylesheet?  That copies it through untouched.

> On 19/07/06, *Andrew* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have an xsl template for which I wish to match (process) all
>     elements in the document except one:
>     node()[not(self::login_fields)]
>     I have placed this at the bottom of my xsl document. What am I
>     wishing to achieve you ask? Well I have 2 stylesheets
>     transformations in a sitemap pipe. The first xsl document contains
>     the section I want ignored, and the second,
>     forms-samples-styling.xsl , is the document I want to handle the
>     transformation of the section ignored in the first xsl document.
>     Clear?!? My sitemap looks like:
>                     <map:generate type="jx" src=""
>                     <map:transform type="browser-update"/>
>                     <map:transform type="xslt-saxon"
>     src="" // This is the xsl doc containing the section
>                     <map:transform
>     type="cinclude"/>                                // I want
>     transformed by forms-samples-styling
>                     <map:transform type="i18n" />
>                     <map:transform src="">>     samples-styling.xsl"/>
>     So my xsl document, style/{2}.xsl looks like:
>     <?xml version=" 1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>         <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
>             xmlns:xsl=" http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform "
>             xmlns:cinclude=" http://apache.org/cocoon/include/1.0">
>             <xsl:template match="/">
>               <html>
>                     <head>
>                         <title>...</title>
>                     </head>
>                 <body>
>                  <table width="1024" border="0" cellspacing="0"
>     cellpadding="0">
>                       ..........
>                       <tr>
>                         <td> <xsl:apply-templates
>     select="//login_fields"/></td> //I don't want this transformed here!
>                       </tr>
>                     </table>
>     </body>
>     </html>
>     </xsl:template>
>     <xsl:template match="login_fields">
>         <xsl:apply-templates/>
>     </xsl:template>
>     <xsl:template match="*">
>           <xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
>                 <xsl:apply-templates
>     select="@*|xmlns|node()[not(self::login_fields)]"/>
>           </xsl:element>
>     </xsl:template>
>     <xsl:template match="@*|text()">
>           <xsl:copy/>
>     </xsl:template>
>     </xsl:stylesheet>
>     When I load the page the section I don't want processed is still
>     being processed within the document it is contained in, what am I
>     missing here?
>     regards
>     Andrew

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