Is the upload:// pseudo-protocol documented anywhere ?
( I saw it in one of the samples, but could not find anything in the docs. ) And if it isn't documented: where in the source code should I look for info on how it's implemented ?

I'm still quite perplexed by all of the various ways of handling uploading in the cocoon samples, as well as the several methods documented on the wiki.

Right now, I have a form with the following inputs:

<form action="xml-upload-process" method="post" enctype="multipart/ form-data"
        id="UPLOAD_FORM" name="UPLOAD_FORM" >
        <p> Upload xml document </p>
        <input type="file" name="pubxml" />
        <input id="submit1" name="submit1" type="submit" value="Submit" />

Initially, I was viewing the document with this pipeline:

      <map:match pattern="xml-upload-doc">
      <map:generate src="upload://pubxml" />
      <map:transform src="xsl/document.xsl" />
      <map:serialize type="html" />

However, what I want is (in flowscript) to grab the xml document,
style and display it ( and perhaps do some other verification tests )
before asking if it should be published, in which case it will be moved
to a permanent location and that new url will be returned.

From looking at the log files, it appears that the file name and path of
the temp file is in a parameter which I can grab from flowscript with

                cocoon.request.getParameter( "pubxml")

But I'ld like to understand a bit more of what's happening underneath.

-- Steve Majewski

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