Does anyone have Cocoon connecting successfully to SQL Server 2005?

We've been using Cocoon for quite some time (currently 2.1.7) with SQL Server 2000.
Now I've been trying to switch to 2005 and Cocoon keeps giving an error
ERROR (2006-09-21) 16:03.33:230 [sitemap.generator.serverpages] (/mount/gem/enterprise/sMicrosoft/IT_Servers/guest/select_IT_Server) http-80-Processor25/select_IT_Server_xsp: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.

I tried replacing the three ms jars (mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar, and msbase.jar) with sqljdbc.jar, the new sql server 2005 jdbc driver from ms download site. (This in Cocoon's WEB-INF\lib folder.) I also adjusted WEB-INF\web.xml to change the driver class name from

However, I still get the error
WARN (2006-09-21) 16:14.13:299 [core.manager] (/mount/gem/enterprise/sMicrosoft/IT_Servers/guest/select_IT_Server) http-80-Processor25/ResourceLimitingJdbcDataSource: Could not return Connection
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
ERROR (2006-09-21) 16:14.13:299 [sitemap.generator.serverpages] (/mount/gem/enterprise/sMicrosoft/IT_Servers/guest/select_IT_Server) http-80-Processor25/select_IT_Server_xsp:
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

(Yes, I restarted Tomcat after each change.)

Any suggestions or reports of success would be appreciated.


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