Hi people,

I'm using CForms in Cocoon 2.1.8 and I've run into a bit of a problem (I sort 
of posted about this a while back so a bit of this is a repost). I was trying 
to feed some HTML into the form to provide output to the user. To do this I use 
a pipe that generates XML output and then I try and serialize that into the 
document using the JX template stuff that looks like:

        <jx:set var="xhtmlString" 
value='${widget.getChild("op-list").getValue()}' />
value="${Packages.org.apache.cocoon.xml.StringXMLizable(xhtmlString)}" />

Unfortunately that doesn't dynamically regenerate when the op-list value has 
changed (if anyone knows how to make it do that under AJAX that would be the 
best solution by far).

If I go for a straight up output then I just get the <div><p>Moo</p></div> tags 
displayed. I looked at serialization on the forms-field-styling.xsl, as XSLT 
1.0, and therefore Xalan (AFAIK) doesn't have a serialize function I looked at 
creating one that looked something like this:

<!--This is an extension script to add serialization as a function-->
  <xalan:component prefix="custom" functions="serialize">
    <xalan:script lang="javascript">
      function serialize(xmlString)
        var output = Packages.org.apache.cocoon.xml.StringXMLizable(xmlString);
        if(output == null)
        { output = "Oh Dear"; }
        return output;

but that just generated NULL values so I gave up on that.

I even wrote a stylesheet to convert the HTML into Text and just use output but 
IE seems to ignore the line breaks on the <pre /> tag when you insert it in 
dynamically (damn IE).

Any ideas on how to get the AJAX stuff to display this dynamically when the 
value changes?



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