Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Olivier wrote:
   Hi all
Where can I find more information on cocoon 3 / OSGi
I've tried but all I can obtain is 404 error pages. Is somebody make this work ?

For the time being, Cocoon 3 is "on hold". As the people at the Spring project have decided to provide an integration layer for OSGi (see, we decided to wait for the outcome of this effort.

Apart from this Cocoon 2.2 (including _real_ blocks, see has made good progress and we are close to the release of a second milestone (I guess some time in November.). If you don't want to wait, checkout trunk and follow the instructions at, except that you have to use the SNAPSHOT versions of the archetypes instead.

Great, I've already checkout cocoon-2.2 and make it work (inside web container). Sure it's a great job. I was looking how to proceed for adding some contribution I've build (Transactional File Writer Transformer for example). And I was wondering which version of cocoon I should target to dig the block system.

So I seem to be the cocoon 2.2 ?

Many thanks for the answer and for cocoon.


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