
It comes in the flow function, I add a message in the flow log file with cocoon.log.warn("alerteOT") and the message is really in the log file : WARN (2007-01-23) 13:30.00:520 [flow] (Unknown-URI) Unknown-thread/NativeJavaMethod: alerteOT WARN (2007-01-23) 13:35.00:477 [flow] (Unknown-URI) Unknown-thread/NativeJavaMethod: alerteOT


Jasha Joachimsthal a ecrit le 23/01/07 13:16:
Hi Lionel,

Does it come into the flow function if the cron job is executed (you can
test it with a print statement in flow)?
Maybe it matches in another sitemap than you'd expect. E.g. if the
expected pipeline is in a sitemap that depends on the domain you use and
the cron uses localhost as domain.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lionel Barth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: dinsdag 23 januari 2007 11:47
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: Cron job dies - process incomplete pipeline


Yes it works. In fact everything works, but I have an error message in the log file.


Jasha Joachimsthal a ecrit le 23/01/07 11:36:
Hi Lionel,

What happens if you call the URI directly from your
browser? Does it
function then?


Jasha Joachimsthal

Oosteinde 11
1017 WT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 5224466


-----Original Message-----
From: Lionel Barth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: dinsdag 23 januari 2007 11:04
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Cron job dies - process incomplete pipeline


I am trying to use the cron component to perform some checks on a database and send emails if needed.

The cron job works, makes the checks, send the emails as
needed but I
have an error in the cron log file :
INFO (2007-01-23) 10:55.00:019 [cron] Unknown-thread/QuartzJobExecutor: Executing cron job named
ERROR (2007-01-23) 10:55.06:396 [cron] Unknown-thread/QuartzJobExecutor: Cron job name 'alerteOT' died. org.apache.avalon.framework.CascadingRuntimeException: CocoonPipelineCronJob: alerteOT, raised an exception:
Caused by: org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceException: Exception during processing of cocoon://crfab/alerteOTLB.html
        ... 10 more
Caused by: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Attempted to process incomplete pipeline.

In the cocoon.xconf I declare a trigger :
        <trigger name="alerteOT"

and a component :

In the sitemap :
          <map:match pattern="alerteOTLB.html">
               <map:call function="alerteOTLB"/>

In the flowscript :
    function alerteOTLB() {
    //  FOM_Cocoon.suicide();

How should I close the pipeline ?

Lionel Barth

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