On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 21:41:06 +0200, Joerg Heinicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12.04.2007 16:02, Franziska Witzani wrote:
>> According to the documentation I have (especially the book of Stephan
>> Niedermeier), a continuation is a snapshot of the variables of the
>> flowscript (by the time the continuation is created/saved) and a pointer
> to
>> the point of the flowscript which actually is being executed.
>> I experienced, that this is not exactly the case. What seems to be saved
>> within the continuation is not a snapshot of the variables, but only
>> pointers to their values.
>> (For example, if you have a counter, which is incremented after each
>> "sendPageAndWait()" it will not be set back if you go back with
>> continuations, but always hold the highest value.)
> They are indeed pointers, not snapshots. But this is only true for
> objects. AFAIK there is no way to point to a primitive type, they are
> always passed by value, not by reference. This means a simple counter
> should indeed be resetted going back to an old continuation. But
> somebody else can correct me on this. Torsten?
>> Is there a way to change that by configuring something, or will I have
> to
>> change the Cocoon-source code or find another way around it?
> No, there is no way to configure it. Actually I wonder how this should
> be possible at all. How do you want to store and restore an object? I
> can only imagine serializing and deserializing objects, but I'm not
> aware of such an implementation. It would probably quite nice as you
> don't need to care about any object state, but it's limiting to a
> certain extend (to Serializable actually) and maybe not well performing.

I've never tried using it, but if I understand the Flowscript documentation 
correctly, cocoon.createPageLocal() will create an object that restores its 
state at the time the continuation was created.  Franziska this may fill your 


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