
I just stumbled over your discussion.There is a RepositoyClassLoader available in Cocoon in which you can add additional classpath entries to your application. Unfortunately you can just add and not remove. This is why I didn't continue in this direction. There is also a Reloading Classloader (RCL) project available in the subversion repository of cocoon, but don't ask me how to use it (It's a rather complex thing ... or at least the documentation makes it look rather complex). If anyone has some experiance with this, I would be glad to here more ;)

Just wanted to give you some hints ... hope they help you.


Dev at weitling schrieb:
Hi Bertrand,

yes, Ant makes compiling and copying easier but ... you still have to restart Cocoon to reload these classes. And: The concept of user mounted directories is lead ad absurdum when you have to put your generators & co. into a system directory.

I were glad if you could prove me wrong,

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On 4/19/07, Dev at weitling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

...For generators and friends they must be manually compiled and put below
build/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/mypackage. And then you have to restart
Cocoon. Not nice...

Instead of manually compiling and copying stuff, you could use an ant
build script like the one used in the BricksCms example (assuming
you're working with Cocoon 2.1.x, for 2.2 it's a different Maven-based
story). See http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/BricksCms .


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