On May 17, 2007, at 1:32 PM, Luca Sabbio wrote:

Hi, I'm working with Cocoon 2.1.10 deployed in Tomcat 5.5.16 and integrated with Xindice 1.1b4 (soon could be 1.1 :-) )

I've one application (called MEL) that uses Cocoon to query the db and have some servlets to interact with db.
I'd like to deploy my application in Tomcat.

How can I tell Cocoon that the subsitemap is located in TOMCAT_HOME/ webapp/MEL?

The only thing that I've tried (and works) to have answers querying with xpath is to put the subsitemap in a folder (called MEL) under TOMCAT_HOME/ webapp/cocoon deploy the application web in Tomcat (html pages, web.xml, servlets, etc.)
and write localhost:8080/cocoon/MEL/browse/archivio/?xpath

Is there something to do to keep sitemap and web application toghether?

I've seen user mount directories in the central cocoon's sitemap,
but I could not make it work.

In cocoon's root sitemap should be this section:

| Find a match in the "mount-table.xml" file, if present. It allows to mount other | directories without touching this main sitemap (and thus loosing changes on rebuild).
| Note that other mount-tables can be added here using the xpatch ant task
        | (see src/confpatch/mount-table.xmap)
    <map:match pattern="../../mount-table.xml" type="mount-table">
      <map:mount src="{src}" uri-prefix="{uri-prefix}"/>

From $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/cocoon, '../..' will resolve to $TOMCAT_HOME.

That file isn't there by default, but in your cocoon source directory should be:


Copy that file into TOMCAT_HOME, and rename it mount-table.xml

Edit that file --- you can remove the existing examples, and add a line for your app:

<mount uri-prefix="MEL" src=...

with src pointing to the directory containing your apps root sitemap.

[ Note: I'm not sure if in your question, "webapp/cocoon" is a typo for "webapps/cocoon" or not. If you're trying to stick things into TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ MEL, I don't know if Tomcat is expecting everything in webapps to be a Tomcat webapp, or if the absence
  of a WEB-INF makes it safe to put other things there. ]

-- Steve Majewski

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