Hey Ard,

Please understand that I'm really happy to be having this discussion and
that I could never get annoyed or irritated about such things.

Thanks again1


On 02/07/07, Ard Schrijvers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 If you feel annoyed or irritated, don't, because

1) I was merely joking
2) I do agree with you to quite some extend

I just wouldn't write one single sql statement, that is all (don't take
this one to serious either :-) )

Regards Ard

What a great idea - 20 years ago (or even 10) it might have occurred to
me! Of course, Cocoon wasn't even dream't of then. Your tongue-in-cheek joke
is much appreciated but it does reflect the machismo in the industry where
guys (and it is invariably young'ish men) who compete to invent the most
involved solution to a simple requirement. Unfortunately, sometimes such
heroics, undermine the efforts of the 'rest of us'. Those who just want to
get the job done in the simplest way in the shortest amount of time with the
greatest prospect of some other dumb schmuck understanding what we did. As
I'm sure you recognise, the latter approach is not a mark of laziness, but a
good heuristic to reducing the total cost of corporate software development
over the lifetime of it's use. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

On 02/07/07, Ard Schrijvers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Calendar generator DOM and for each working day element generate a
> <sql:query> to determine whether appointment entries exist in a database for
> this day"....you lazy programmer!! :-)
> What about implementing your own caldav implementation with cocoon
> generators and transformers, add jms listeners, and use update events in
> combination with an eventcache to invalidate the correct parts of the
> calendar frontend. Create caldav connectors to your application to combina
> some calendars and import others....you really missed an opportunity here
> :-)
> Ofcourse, I am not serious: Cocoon is an enormeous toolbox, and there
> are like hundreds of ways to achieve the same (though, I really think there
> are only a few proper ones)
> Ard
> The answet to that one is - it all depends.. on which Application
> Container, DBMS and JDBC driver you are using.
> It is good that you have discovered that you can do so much with the
> SQLTransformer. As you know, I am very fond of using this component. I have
> no qualms about generating <sql:query> elements based upon the shape of the
> XML DOM. As an example of how shameless I can be, I have even been known to
> take the Calendar generator DOM and for each working day element generate a
> <sql:query> to determine whether appointment entries exist in a database for
> this day. The performance was fine and the solution very comprehensible and
> easy to extend. Of course, the purist might cry foul but I see nothing
> fundamentally wrong with it. I recommend this as a perfectly acceptable way
> of using the Cocoon pipeline as the Model which transforms into the View as
> it's contents pass through it. The alternative of a stored procedure was not
> available and, as you know, I am reluctant to incur the development and
> maintenance overhead that some kind of Java object/relation model would
> require.
> On 02/07/07, Tobia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew Stevens wrote:
> > The problem I was replying to has to do with the caching of prepared
> > statements within the database connection so that running the same
> > statement with different parameters doesn't need the database server
> > to recompile the query each time.  That's what makes it "prepared"
> > rather than just a Statement.
> By the way, for the sake of completeness, who or what is responsible for
> caching the statements?  The JDBC connector?  The database process?
> How does one check that it is actually caching anything, except by crude
> benchmarking?
> Tobia
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