Hi Jasha,

The Class is org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer. The version is whatever comes with cocoon 2.1.10

Doing something like:

<textarea ......>-</textarea>

does not work as the <textarea .. is generated from

<ft:widget id="lodge">
     <fi:styling  type="textarea" rows="10" cols="40"/>

by the forms styling and I can't work out how to change the stylesheets


Hi Peter,

which serializer are you using (both class and version)?
As workaround you can put a   in the textarea if your version of the 
XHTMLSerializer closes the textarea element (not very nice).


-----Original Message-----
From:   Peter Sparkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Mon 9/3/2007 6:17 PM
To:     users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject:        xhtml serialization and form textarea


1. Using CForms I generate a form with a textarea. If I serialize it as xml the output is :

<textarea title="" name="enjoy" id="enjoy:input" class="forms field active" rows="10" cols="40"/>

2.    If I serialize it as html the output is :

<textarea title="" name="enjoy" id="enjoy:input" class="forms field active" rows="10" cols="40"></textarea>

which is correct and the form displays correctly

3.    However when I serialize as XHTML 1.0 Strict the xhtml output is:

<textarea title="" name="enjoy" id="enjoy:input" class="forms field active" rows="10" cols="40"/>

which is not correct and the form does not display correctly

Please, how do I get correct xhtml


Peter Sparkes

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