Robin Rigby pisze:
> I have follwed the Getting Started Guide as far as Using the Reloading
> Classloader [1].
> ----
> I move to getting-started-app/ and invoke 
> mvn eclipse:eclipse.  
> I get 
> "Cannot execute mojo: eclipse. It requires a project with an existing
> pom.xml, but the build is not using one." 
> Am I in the wrong directory or have I missed an opportunity to create a POM?

I hope that hint from Harald will help you. If not, it would be good if you 
provide listing of
getting-started-app directory.

> ----
> Also:  the current version of cocoon-maven-plugin seems to be 1.0.0-M1, not
> 1.0.0-M1-SNAPSHOT.

Fixed now and will be published shortly.

> Also:  throughout the Getting Started Guide, it is sometimes not clear in
> which dirctory I should invoke the various mvn commands.  It becomes sort of
> instinctive after a while but only _after_ I have got started.  :-)

Yes, this tutorial could be more verbose and precise. I'll try to fix it in a 
free time.

Thanks for suggestions.

Grzegorz Kossakowski
Committer and PMC Member of Apache Cocoon

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