Torsten Curdt wrote:

On 29.12.2007, at 19:40, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Robin Wyles wrote:
When developing using the RCL it seems that after I update any file that triggers a reload (e.g. sitemap) any references in my Java code to objects stored in the current session result in a ClassCastException. Debugging shows that the object is still there in the session after the reload, and it is of the correct class, so does anyone know why I should get this error?

The object that you put into the session is loaded by one classloader and then after a reload you cast it using another one.

Correct. A classloader is somewhat like a namespace in xml.

 <a:tag/> != <b:tag/>

Objects can only be casted if their classes have been loaded by the same classloader. No matter they are maybe loaded from the same class file.

This seems to be a bug in the reloading classloader or the way how we use it. Unfortunatly I haven't had the time yet to create a test case that demonstrates the problem in an isolated environment so that the Commons JCI guys can have a look at this problem (if it's their problem).

This could be changed

That would be really great!!!

...but it's a bit of an effort and adds to the complexity.

I think it would be worth changing the implementation because there are many people that can't or don't want to avoid the usage of sessions.

Reinhard Pötz                            Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

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