Joerg Heinicke wrote:
On 27.02.2008 08:15, Andre Juffer wrote:

Is it only me wondering how this can work at all when there is an exception? In that case finished is NEVER set to true and you always get into an infinite loop. How can this work with Tomcat? Or am I just missing something?

If there is an exception, it should be caught by the catch (ex) portion, which extracts the message and puts it in the message form. finished remains false (you are entirely right) and the form is being displayed again to the user as I intended.

If it can display the form ... otherwise you get into the try block again, it throws again an exception, catches and handles it, back to try block ... and so on. That's what I had in mind.

Ah, I see. Yeah, that could indeed be an issue. I have to mention that I have used this code in many occasions, and it never seem to have caused an issue, as I usually check first whether or not the entered data is valid (I rely on dojo for this purpose).


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