>Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Andre Juffer wrote:

Now, I agree with Joerg that this code looks very suspicious; I guess your intention is to catch an exception while dealing with the data in "do_something_with(data)".


The problem with the code above is that if an exception occurs in form.load() or form.showForm() etc. you end up with an endless loop. So I would rather catch the exception inside the "do_xxx" method (or handle error codes in a more graceful way than just catching exceptions).

Yeah, I guess this is what I need to do then. There is in fact an exception handling mechanism in do_xxx(). I will improve this then.

Although I suggest to improve the code, I fear that this is not the cause of your problem. My guess is still a class loader issue: you might end up with different libs being used in Jetty.

OK, let's assume that this is the case. There is probably not much that I can do about it.

I'll follow the suggestion by Joerg and you to handle these exception occuring in do_xxx() in a different way.


Andre H. Juffer              | Phone: +358-8-553 1161
The Biocenter and            | Fax: +358-8-553-1141
    the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW: www.biochem.oulu.fi/Biocomputing/
NordProt                     | WWW: www.nordprot.org

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