I take it nobody can help me with this... or am I just missing something really obvious.


Alec Bickerton wrote:

I'm looking to streamline the sitemap that is being used and am seeing a few problems.

First, a little bit of background...

The application has evolved over a time to contain a large number of subdirectories. These subdirectories are not self contained and for the most part rely on the pipeline in the root sitemap. The upshot being that the root sitemap contains a considerable amount of project specific matchers

As far as I can see, It I use the following ,Then the pipeline in the sitemap in the customer1 directory will be entered.

<map:match pattern="customer1/**"/>
<map:mount uri-prefix="customer1" src="customer1/sitemap.xmap" check-reload="yes" reload-method="asynchron"/>

This is almost what I need, however, I need the pipeline to return to the pipeline in the global sitemap if nothing matches so that the default matchers will get hit.

An example customer sitemap would look like.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map:sitemap xmlns:map="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0";>
         <map:match pattern="*/**">
        <map:mount check-reload="yes" src="{1}/" uri-prefix="{1}"/>

so for example.

for the request

the pipeline needs to go:
1: sitemap in cocoon directory
2: sitemap in projects directory
3: sitemap in customer1 directory
4: sitemap in projects2 directory matches *.html and performs an action does not redirect as the user is allowed. 5: returns to the sitemap in customer1 directory at the point in the pipline where mount was called 6: returns to the pipeline in the sitemap in projects directory where the *.ml matcher is declared after the customer matchers.

Can anyone suggest the best means for me to accomplish this?


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