Ahh... I think I've started to answer my own question. The Cocoon 2.2
site has plenty of references to the Spring framework. However, the
Cocoon 2.1 site, which is what I've been using and therefore referencing
for most of my research doesn't mention Spring at all.
The Cocoon 2.2 site clearly states that Cocoon is a "Spring-based
framework (since version 2.2)". I assume this reference to "version 2.2"
is talking about the Cocoon version. Is that correct?


From: Earl Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 8:42 AM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Confused over Coccoon vs. Spring

I'm pretty new to the whole Cocoon thing. I've known about it for
several years but just implemented an instance for some testing. I've
been reading a few things that are seeming to mingle Cocoon with the
Spring framework. Can someone give me a quick overview of the
differences or relationships between these two? Is there any
relationship between the two, besides that fact that they are both Java
based frameworks?
I've been to both project websites and not found anything on either one
that helps clear up this question for me. Any pointers to documents that
might help me sort this out would be appreciated as well. Thanks.

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