On Apr 14, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Carlos Tejo Alonso wrote:
Hi Jeroen,

Hi Carlos,

I'm not really sure what you mean with XML from an XML. Where
do you try to obtain this XML.

I wanted to explain thi situation:
I have a file called example.xml and I want to apply a XPATH expression in order to obtain another file called example-2.xml with the elements selected by the XPATH expression.

For one you could just generate your file, apply an xslt with
an xpath expression or otherwise use the Xquery generator[1].

Thanks for the suggestions. I wonder if there is one transformer where you indicate the file and the XPATH expression and gives you the new xml file.

Did I explain myself better? Sorry for my awful English :S

Did you literally mean that you want to produce another XML file in the filesystem ? ( which, I guess, is why Reinhard suggests using the sourcewriting transformer ) Or did you just want to extract that xml fragment and transform +serialize it in the pipeline?

-- Steve Majewski

On Apr 14, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Reinhard Haller wrote:

Hi Carlos,

Carlos Tejo Alonso schrieb:
Thanks for the suggestions. I wonder if there is one transformer where you indicate the file and the XPATH expression and gives you the new xml file.

try it with a xpath generator (you can specify your file directly or via pattern matching), followed by a source-writing-transform.




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