On Apr 14, 2008, at 7:43 AM, Carlos Tejo Alonso wrote:

I was doing some research about how to obtain a xml from a xml file + an XPATH expression in Cocoon, but I haven't found any information really clear. Is there any parameter to add into a generator, or a transformer or something that can do that issue?

It does seem odd to me that there isn't a simple xpath transformer or generator in cocoon, but in any case there do seem to be several ways to do the equivalent thing.

I've been trying to do this by using JX to generate an xml file with an xinclude statement with the file and an xpointer fragment identifier, and then running it thru the xinclude

In my sitemap is:

      <map:match pattern="xpath/*/*/**">
        <map:generate type="jx" src="scripts/xpath.jx" >

          <map:parameter name="instdir" value="{1}" />
          <map:parameter name="file" value="{2}" />
          <map:parameter name="path" value="/{3}" />

        <map:transform type="xinclude" />

        <map:serialize type="xml" />

[ ** I believe I have type="jx" redefined to use "newjx"
     so I didn't have to change all of my sitemaps. ** ]

The jx template file ( xpath.jx ) contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fragment xmlns:jx="http://apache.org/cocoon/templates/jx/1.0"; xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>

<xi:include href="../published/${cocoon.parameters.instdir}/$ {cocoon.parameters.file}#xpointer(/${cocoon.parameters.path})"


And, given a valid file and xpath expression, it works properly
( yielding the value of the xpointer expression wrapped in <fragment>...</fragment> tags ) except that (using cocoon 2.1.11) I get the following deprecation warning:

WARN (2008-04-14) 16:26.33:681 [sitemap.transformer.xinclude] (/ cocoon/vivaead/xpath/odu/vino00012.xml/eadheader/eadid) http-8080- Processor23/XIncludeTransformer.XIncludePipe: Fragment identifer found in 'href' attribute: ../published/odu/vino00012.xml#xpointer(// eadheader/eadid)Fragment identifiers are forbidden by the XInclude specification. They are still handled by XIncludeTransformer for backward compatibility, but their use is deprecated and will be prohibited in a future release. Use the 'xpointer' attribute instead.

Changing the xinclude to use a xpointer attribute, instead of a xpointer #fragment-id eliminates that warning:

<xi:include href="../published/${cocoon.parameters.instdir}/$ {cocoon.parameters.file}"
  parse="xml" xpointer="xpointer(/${cocoon.parameters.path})"

[ You could also use the JXP XPATH API directly from flowscript/ javaflow, and you could also probably pass a DOM or some other object model to jx transformer. ]

-- Steve Majewski / UVA Alderman Library

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