I am following up on an mail message I made a while back. Specifically, about support for jx:element tag.

Last I left it, the question was put to the Dev team as to whether we can actually do this (ie there are no objections to the functionality). Based on this post [1], I take it there are none. I would really like this functionality, so I have two questions,

1. Is anyone working on this?
2. If not, is possible to point me in the right direction so that I can make this a reality?

I have a lot of functionality that relies on the xsp:element tag, and there doesn't seem to be anything analogous in the JXTemplate world, which makes moving away from XSPs very difficult (yes, I know I can use the xmlize, but I would still have to generate the XML in the first place, which could get messy in flowscript). Also, I have a bunch of dynamic forms that would probably simplify (a little) with this functionality.



[1] http://www.nabble.com/Re:--2.2--Dynamically-generating-XML-tags-in-JXTemplates-td16923838.html

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