Hi Grzegorz!

> Hi Cocooners,
> I justed wanted to let you know that thanks to David's Legg effort we have
> switched to the new 
> feature that Maven Archetype plug-in brings.
> This switch is reflected in our documentation when blocks/webapp is being
> created using the 
> archetype. You can see published changes here:
> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/1159_1_1.html
> Even if this is a small change I would like to ask you opinion about it. I
> ask those people that 
> have tried previous way of block/webapp creation so you can compare your
> experience.

I really like this improvement, it makes things easier!! I would suggest one 
little addition:
It would be very nice to add some information about the binary release with 
respect to 'installation' of cocoon 2.2, because when using maven (that means 
following the tutorial), there is no need to download the binaries.

> Does new way of using archetypes brings some benefit in your opinion?
> Another change worth mentioning is support for publishing Screencasts in
> our documentation system. 
> That means, you can easily add screencasts and sample of this
> functionality can be seen here:
> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/1448_1_1.html

Finally you put them online, very nice, because your screencasts are very 
usefull in combination with tutorials!

> BTW. This screencasts uses old way of using archetypes. It would be nice
> if someone could record 
> something similar but with improvements to our tutorials taken into
> account so newcommers are not 
> confused by the difference.
> Anyone interested?
> PS. I finally have some time to take care of our documentation so you will
> see more updates and I 
> plan to prepare some list of tasks that people willing to help could take.
> --
> Best regards,
> Grzegorz Kossakowski

Best regards,
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