Hugh Sparks wrote:
Ken Starks writes:
I've had a second attempt at your 'Cocoon 2.2 without tears' webapp,
but it isn't working for me.
Reason: Cannot find parent: org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-core-modules for project: for project

I'll try to get you going in this letter, but if this takes
any further correspondence, we should probably switch
to private email because I don't want to irritate users
who aren't interested in this topic.

I just tried the download myself and it worked for me.
There's evidently something missing in your local .m2
repository. I think the problem is with the parent element
in the pom. It looks like the cocoon-core-modules artifact
is not being maintained in the central maven repository
or I don't know how to use it properly.

Do you have Subversion installed? I keep a checkout of
the cocoon 2.2 trunk that I update and build every day.
I think that's why it works for me and not for you.

A quick fix is to checkout and build the cocoon 2.2 truck.
Then the reference to cocoon-core-modules 6-SNAPSHOT
will be correctly resolved.

Otherwise, you'll have to discard the parent element
from the pom and dig up a consistent set of version
elements for the individual dependences.

In light of your difficulty, I'll update my website
so others won't have this problem, but I'm not able
to do this immediately.

If you don't intend to use blocks at all, I like the cocoon classic
method recently published by Reinhard Pötz.
My write-up is for uses who want to combine open content
but keep the option of using blocks as well.

-Hugh Sparks

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Hi Hugh,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I do have Subversion installed, and I shall try the quick fix you suggest.

" Otherwise, you'll have to discard the parent element
  from the pom and dig up a consistent set of version
  elements for the individual dependences."
This is beyond my present skill level with  Maven, I'm afraid.  Anyway, it
rather begs the real question, 'How can the Central Maven Repository be
maintained in perfect working order?'

I agree that there must be something missing from my .m2 repository. In fact the reason I deliberately emptied it was as a test that the project really would be 'without tears' for a new user. I did not do it to irritate anyone, I assure you;
'testing' is your friend, remember.

I should be able to build 2.2 trunk without any private email advice, I hope. If there are any further problems, particularly if they might improve the excellent article on your
website, I shall be in touch.

I do expect to use blocks, but nearly all of my projects continue their development after they have been deployed to Tomcat. This is neither second-best nor amateurish, it is the correct strategy for my needs.

We now have all three options:
a. No blocks
b. A mixture
c. Nothing but blocks.

In my opinion, your option (b), should be part of the mainstream, not merely an independent effort. This is because it could then come with a set of unit-tests and functional tests against which the developers could tweak their bleeding-edge and stable releases before committing them to their repository. Or, in the absence of such automated tests, the developers would at least feel a duty
not to break your sub-project, once it was  part of  mainstream Cocoon.

Bye for now,


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