André Davignon wrote:
> Hi,
>> I've tried to create a Forms following the steps detailed on the web page 
>> .
>> I can't find what I made wrong, but I get this runtime error (when i
>> request
>> the web on my client side): (Could anyone help me? :S )
>>> javax.servlet.ServletException:
>>> org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: No pipeline matched
>>> request:
>>> resource/external/jx/manifest.js
> Obviously you've got no matcher in your sitemap for this resource :
> manifest.js
> You may check your match pattern.

But I have put all the matchers of the web. My site map looks like this:

> <map:sitemap xmlns:xsi="";
>  xsi:schemaLocation="
>  xmlns:map="";>
>   <!--+
>       | Definition of the control flow implementation.
>       +-->
>   <map:flow language="javascript"/>
>   <map:components>
>     <map:transformers default="xslt">
>       <map:transformer name="i18n"
> src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.I18nTransformer">
>         <catalogues default="forms">
>           <catalogue id="forms" name="messages"
> location="servlet:forms:/resources/internal/i18n"/>
>         </catalogues>
>         <cache-at-startup>true</cache-at-startup>
>       </map:transformer>
>     </map:transformers>
>   </map:components>
>   <map:pipelines>
>     <map:pipeline>
>       <map:match pattern="registration">
>         <map:call function="registration"/>
>       </map:match>
>       <map:match pattern="*.continue">
>         <map:call continuation="{1}"/>
>       </map:match>
>       <map:match pattern="registration-display-pipeline">
>         <map:generate type="jx"
> src="resource/internal/registration_template.xml"/>
>         <map:transform type="i18n">
>           <map:parameter name="locale" value="en"/>
>         </map:transform>
>         <map:transform src="resource/internal/forms-samples-styling.xsl">
>           <map:parameter name="forms-resources"
> value="{servlet:forms:/resource/external/forms}"/>
>           <map:parameter name="dojo-resources" 
> value="{servlet:ajax:/resource/external/dojo}"/>
>         </map:transform>
>         <map:serialize/>
>       </map:match>
>       <map:match pattern="registration-succuess-pipeline">
>         <map:generate type="jx"
> src="resource/internal/registration_success.jx"/>
>         <map:serialize/>
>       </map:match>
>     </map:pipeline>
>     <!--+
>         | Demo pipelines
>         +-->
>     <map:pipeline id="demo">
>       <!-- Simple demo, that show how Cocoon pipelines. -->
>       <map:match pattern="">
>         <!--+
>             | Start generating SAX events inside the pipeline. In this
> case,
>             | since no "type" attribute is specified, the default
> generator
>             | is used and this is a regular XML parser that reads the
>             | given file from the URL included in the "src" attribute and
>             | sends the events produced by the parser down the pipeline to
>             | be processed by the next stage.
>             +-->
>         <map:generate src="demo/welcome.xml"/>
>         <!--+
>             | This transformer gets the input SAX events and transforms
> them
>             | using the default transformer (the XSLT transformer) thus
>             | applying the XSLT stylesheet indicated in the "src"
> attribute
>             | and sending the output down the pipeline to be processed by
> the
>             | next stage.
>             +-->
>         <map:transform src="demo/welcome.xslt"/>
>         <!--+
>             | The serializer concludes the SAX events journey into the
> pipeline
>             | since it serializes the events it receives into a
> representation
>             | depending on the serializer type. Here we choose the "XHMTL"
>             | serializer, which will produce an XHTML representation of
> the
>             | SAX stream.
>             +-->
>         <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
>       </map:match>
>       <!-- Implement application logic using a Flowscript function.
>         Flowscripts in ./flow are loaded automatically in alphabetical
> order. -->
>       <map:match pattern="spring-bean">
>         <map:call function="demo"/>
>       </map:match>
>     </map:pipeline>
>     <map:pipeline id="demo-internal" internal-only="true">
>       <!-- This pipeline is invoked by the above flowscript. -->
>       <map:match pattern="screens/spring-bean">
>         <map:generate src="demo/spring-bean.jx.xml" type="jx"/>
>         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>       </map:match>
>     </map:pipeline>
>     <!--+
>         | Default pipelines
>         +-->
>     <map:pipeline id="internal-resource" internal-only="true">
>       <!-- Put matchers for internal (accessible only to Cocoon blocks)
> resources here
>         More details:
> -->
>       <map:match pattern="resource/internal/**">
>         <map:read src="resource/internal/{1}"/>
>       </map:match>
>     </map:pipeline>
>     <map:pipeline id="external-resource">
>       <!-- Put matchers for external (accessible to the outside world,
> e.g. browser) resources here.
>         More details:
> -->
>       <map:match pattern="resource/external/**">
>         <map:read src="resource/external/{1}"/>
>       </map:match>
>     </map:pipeline>
>     <map:pipeline id="service">
>       <!-- Put your servlet service matchers here.
>         More details:
> -->
>     </map:pipeline>
>   </map:pipelines>
> </map:sitemap>

What do i have to do with the javascript file? Which matcher do I have to

Thank you very much :)

> André
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