I expecienced that two. Cocoon 2.2 does not deploy in jboss 5.0.1
on idea why, no output in logs...

anybody any idea? Or anybody who has this configuration running?
any feedback would be appreciated


imran wrote:
> hi all, 
> Has anyone successfully deployed cocoon 2.2 samples inside jboss 5 ? ..
> we have been using our cocoon based application with jboss 4.2.3 .. we
> wanted to upgrade the jboss server to 5 but the application doesn't
> deploy .. neither it shows any deployment error .. so we just tried to
> deploy the samples block of cocoon 2.2 with that also the same result ..
> the application and the samples block they work perfectly fine with
> jboss 4 .. the problem occurs with jboss 5 ..
> we have changed the schema locations for the xml files in accordance
> with the jboss 5 specification .. if anyone has been successful in doing
> so .. can you please guide us ..
> Any help will be appreciated
> Thanks in advance
> Imran
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