Am 05.10.2011 00:08, schrieb Marzia Forli:
I am a xml processing newbie, who have to read-transform-write some pretty big 
xml files, and in my journey to the jaxp land I stumbled upon this wonderful 
library... Here I ask for some kind advice regarding the my problem. For my 
case let's imagine that we have a pretty big pom.xml and I would have to do the 
1) if under the tag 'repositories/repository/name' in the body is present 
string 'snapshots' then rewrite the 'url' element stripping out the tags and 
make it uppercase...
2) given the dependencies/dependency/groupId element if there is one dependency 
with groupId = 'org.apache.cocoon.sax' then i have to get and rewrite all 
dependencies elements
to make it simple if I found a desired element then I have to operate on 
containing element rewriting it... Transformations I have to do a without the 
Maybe what I am asking seems trivial or plain stupid but I am not an expert 
just learning... Is this library right for this task and if yes what would be 
the right approach to handle this. Many many thanks

Cocoon 3 is certainly the right tool for that task.
Both SAX and StAX components will work fine and cause you no trouble with file size, since they stream the file instead of loading it all up-front.

You actually have a couple of options to achieve what you have mentioned:
1) You could implement the modifications using XSLT and use an existing XSLT-Transformer (I saw your "without the XSLT", just added for completeness)

2) You could implement your own transformer and express the transformations in pure Java. Both SAX and StAX can do this. I'd choose StAX for that (the Navigators are quite handy!), but it's really what you prefer / know better. You can take a look at as example for a StAXTransformer using Navigators.

3) You could always go with more advanced options like controllers, but IMO that's really overkill for this.

Depending on how you want to execute this (embedded into another application / stand-alone application / web-service) you will want to use different Cocoon modules.
The easiest way for experimenting is using the Pipeline API directly.

This could look something like this:

Pipeline<SAXPipelineComponent>  pipeline=  new  
pipeline.addComponent(new  XMLGenerator(new  URL("file://path/to/pom.xml")));
pipeline.addComponent(new  MyPomTransformer());
pipeline.addComponent(new  XMLSerializer());

pipeline.setup(new FileOutputStream("/path/to/modified-pom.xml");

Hope that helps a litte.
I'm sure you'll have further questions, tho... ;)


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