Hi Lars,

The error is related to the cocoon.archetype-parent but there is indeed one 
master pom in a folder called parent. You can see check that it's there in SVN.

PS.   I don't think you need to checkout the archetypes first of all. They are 
projects which allow you to easily generate some kind of stub webapp project 
using maven.

What did you checkout from SVN in the first place? Complete trunk? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Huttar [mailto:lars_hut...@sil.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 5:04 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: parent of parent artifact?

Hi all,

Again, I'm following the directions at 
http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/download.html to create a new Cocoon 3 web 
I've created a Cocoon block for samples, an empty block, an empty Java 
web app project (which depends on the cocoon block), and a parent module.

Next, I "cd" to the empty web app (cocoon-archetype-webapp) and run "mvn 
But I get this error:

[ERROR]     Invalid packaging for parent POM 
cocoon-archetype-parent:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT (C:\Program Files\Apache 
Foundation\c3\cocoon-archetype-parent\pom.xml), must be "pom" but is 
"jar" @ org
:\Program Files\Apache Software 

So I look at cocoon-archetype-parent\pom.xml's <parent> element, and it 
has the following:


There is no folder at ../parent, so it's not surprising that this is 
throwing an error. But the 'must be "pom" but is "jar"' message is 
misleading, if I'm correct about the cause of the problem.

My question then is, what's the fix?
I don't know of any reason why this parent module needs to have a 
parent. But then I don't understand why I have 4 blocks in the first 
place, instead of just 1.
Can I just delete this whole <parent> element and its children out of 


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