Thank you all for helping in this.
I went with you suggestion and it worked great just like expected.

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Robby Pelssers <> wrote:
> Hi Mansour,
> I do know how to access spring beans from C2.2 flowscript if that is of any 
> help.
> Some sample code:
> function getTicket() {
>     var authenticator = cocoon.getComponent("name_of_spring_bean"); //this is 
> how you can get hold of a spring bean
> }
> But the main question is .. what are you trying to accomplish. It's not very 
> clear to me yet.  What is the end goal you are trying to accomplish? Maybe 
> you can do it purely in xslt.. just saying.
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mansour Al Akeel []
> Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2012 6:38 PM
> To: users
> Subject: accessing a spring bean methods from sitemap
> I need to link documents through some identification. For example, assuming 
> that I have:
> articles/my-first-article.xml
> articles/second-one.xml
> articles/hello-world-article.xml
> books/book1.xml  which has  references to  artice-1 and article-3 identified 
> by an id of the form: A001
> I need to create a hashtable linking both so that I pass query param by ID or 
> by name. The idea I have is to initialize spring bean that will extract the 
> data from these files, and construct a Map<String,String>.
> My question is how can I access this HashTable from sitemap ??
> I am using C2.2.
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