Hi Mansour,

You again leave out the important bit that failed.  I still am not sure why 
your test failed. If you look in the 
cocoon-sample/COB-INF/aggregation/xinclude.xml you will see a file like this. 
It could as well have declared the namespace on the root or any parent node.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; 
    <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sample xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
    <xi:include href="servlet:/aggregation/sub-request"/>
    <xi:include href="aggregation/sub.xml"/>

So please specify exactly what your input looks like. I want to understand if 
you made a mistake or you spotted another potential bug.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:47 AM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap

Thank you Robby. I think I found the issue. I have this in my document:

        <programlisting language="c">
            <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"

Which is generating the issue.
When I replace it with:

        <programlisting language="c">
            <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text" />

Everything works fine. This is strange because having an xmlns:xi shouldn't 
cause this.
Any way it's working now.

Thank you.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 3:40 AM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> wrote:
> First I downloaded the result of invoking this unmodified pipeline.
>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>         </map:transform>
>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>       </map:match>
> No namespace garbage left so XIncludeTransformer seems to work fine:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sample>
>   <sub1>
>     <sub>sub</sub>
>   </sub1>
>   <sub2>
>     <sub>sub</sub>
>   </sub2>
> </sample>
> Next I setup the exact same pipeline in the sample block:
>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>         </map:transform>
>         <map:transform src="xslt/identity.xslt"/>
>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>       </map:match>
> No issues here.
> And just to make sure that identity.xslt was actually used I slightly 
> modified it <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet 
> version="1.0"
>                 xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
>                 xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
>     <xsl:template match="sub1/sub">
>       <sub>sub replaced</sub>
>     </xsl:template>
>     <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
>         <xsl:copy>
>             <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
>         </xsl:copy>
>     </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> Now the result becomes:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sample>
>   <sub1>
>     <sub xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>sub replaced</sub>
>   </sub1>
>   <sub2>
>     <sub>sub</sub>
>   </sub2>
> </sample>
> But one might wonder why you left in the xi namespace in the first place. So 
> next I removed that namespace from the xslt.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sample>
>   <sub1>
>     <sub>sub replaced</sub>
>   </sub1>
>   <sub2>
>     <sub>sub</sub>
>   </sub2>
> </sample>
> So .... I think you might recheck if you're not doing some exotic stuff which 
> you forgot to mention.
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 1:51 AM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
> One additional problem. This is not related to the property resolution, but 
> to the XInclude. After I process xinclude, if I apply another transformation, 
> I get an error:
> Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Namespace for prefix 'xi' not found.
>         at 
> org.apache.cocoon.sax.AbstractSAXTransformer.endPrefixMapping(Abstract
> SAXTransformer.java:79) 
> ~[cocoon-sax-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>         at 
> org.apache.cocoon.sax.component.XIncludeTransformer.endPrefixMapping(X
> IncludeTransformer.java:515) 
> ~[cocoon-sax-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
> The transformation can be any thing simple. Identity transformation will 
> cause this issue as well. Here's the transformation I am applying after the 
> xinclude:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
> xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
>   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
>     <xsl:copy>
>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
>     </xsl:copy>
>   </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> And here is the sitemap:
>             <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>                 <map:generate 
> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>                 <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>                     <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>                     <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
> value="file:///home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/"
> />
>                 </map:transform>
>                 <map:transform src="sheets/html/identity.xsl " />
>                 <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>             </map:match>
> If I remove the identity.xsl step, then things works fine.
> I am not sure how to solve this issue, but I think I can use two <match> one 
> for each step. However, knowing that cocoon applies xslt in a pipeline 
> without additional tweaks, should allow me to directly process the stream 
> with identity.xsl.
> Thank you.
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Mansour Al Akeel <mansour.alak...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Robby, thank you for taking care of this issue.
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm closing in on finding the issue but not sure if I can fix it this week.
>>> Test 1:  Use {global:propertyName} in @src of a generator works fine
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/{global:testProperty}.xml" />
>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>         </map:transform>
>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>       </map:match>
>>> Test2: Use {global:propertyName} in the @value of a parameter does
>>> not seem to work
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="{global:testProperty}"/>
>>>         </map:transform>
>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>       </map:match>
>>> The real magic happens in org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.InvocationImpl
>>> public Object resolveParameter(final String parameter) {
>>>    ....
>>> }
>>> But I think that method is not called for evaluating @value of a 
>>> <map:parameter>.
>>> If anyone can fix this today.. be my guest.  Otherwise I will take another 
>>> look this week (latest this weekend).
>>> Robby
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:38 PM
>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>> The solution you're looking for resides in using a LanguageInterpreter.
>>> Cocoon already has a few implementations:
>>> - org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SettingsInterpreter  (works
>>> together with cocoon-spring-configurator)
>>> - org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.JexlLanguageInterpreter
>>> - org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SitemapLanguageInterpreter
>>> http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/apidocs/index.html
>>> In cocoon-expression-language.xml these are configured as beans. You see 
>>> that the last part after the colon is the prefix you can use in a sitemap.  
>>> I think you should just use the SettingsInterpreter in your case.  It's the 
>>> default way to access properties.
>>> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"; 
>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>>   xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
>>> http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd";>
>>>   <bean 
>>> name="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.LanguageInterpreterFactory"
>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.PrototypeLanguageInterpre
>>> terFactory" />
>>>   <bean name="expression-language:map"
>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SitemapLanguageInterprete
>>> r" />
>>>   <bean name="expression-language:jexl"
>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.JexlLanguageInterpreter"
>>> />
>>>   <bean name="expression-language:global"
>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SettingsInterpreter" />
>>> </beans>
>>> Robby
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:18 PM
>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>> I did a little test myself and by the looks of it it's not supported.
>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" 
>>> value="file:///c:/{request-param:subfolder}/"/>
>>>         </map:transform>
>>> I hacked a bit in the cocoon-sample project and invoked this url:
>>> http://localhost:8888/aggregation/xinclude-transformer?subfolder=tmp
>>> In that case I get a nice XML exception page with following message:
>>> <message>c:\{request-param:subfolder}\xinclude\testinclude.xml (The
>>> filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is
>>> incorrect)</message>
>>> This means... that input modules are not supported yet. Will be interesting 
>>> to see if we plan to support this in C3.  But this would work in C2.2 as 
>>> I've used inputmodules quite a lot.
>>> Robby
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:09 PM
>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>> I am using 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT built from trunk. Here's my sitemap:
>>>  <map:pipeline>
>>>           <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>>>                 <map:generate 
>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>                 <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>>>                     <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>                     <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
>>> value="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/" />
>>>                 </map:transform>
>>>                 <!-- <map:transform src="sheets/html/xslthl.xsl " /> -->
>>>                 <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>>>             </map:match>
>>> Here's part of the document:
>>>         Another Example using xinclude:
>>>         ===============
>>>         <programlisting language="c">
>>>             <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"
>>> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
>>>         </programlisting>
>>> Here's the log:
>>> 15:04:37.529 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline -
>>> ~ adding ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=516462290
>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xml}) for component
>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=834671663)
>>> 15:04:37.530 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline -
>>> Creating  CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=2115562712
>>> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=2006330189
>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/inde
>>> x.xml timestamp=1352905028000 (2012-11-14 14:57:08.0)),
>>> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=772251321
>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=686698957
>>> obj=article/example.xml)
>>> cachedCacheKey=org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.caching.InvalidCacheKey@b78
>>> a1f0d), ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=516462290
>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8,
>>> method=xml})]) for pipeline CachingPipeline(hashCode=1875503051
>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=437776393
>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=333002925
>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/i
>>> ndex.xml)),
>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=1313024268
>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/reso
>>> urces/COB-INF/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/),
>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=834671663)])
>>> 15:04:37.530 [btpool0-1] INFO  o.a.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor - Going 
>>> to send NOT MODIFIED response: statusCode=304, lastModified=-1 15:04:37.530 
>>> [btpool0-1] INFO  o.a.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor - Sitemap execution 
>>> for /article/example.xml took 195.35498 ms.
>>> The variables are matching the correct document, and it's served correctly, 
>>> but without xincludes being processed.
>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:54 AM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think you will need to paste the complete sitemap to get more insight 
>>>> into your issue.  Can you please specify which version of Cocoon you're 
>>>> using per question.. even if repeated. I really need to know the context 
>>>> as some things might work differently between versions.
>>>> I don't exactly remember why you used an input module. In C2.2 I use
>>>> properties in combination with both the cocoon-spring-configurator
>>>> to
>>>> - set bean property values in the application context files
>>>> - use them directly in my sitemap using ${propertyName}
>>>>       <map:match pattern="exportMergedFiles/*">
>>>>         <map:generate src="cocoon:/linkinginfo/{1}"/>
>>>>         <map:transform src="xslt/writeTopics.xslt" type="saxon">
>>>>           <map:parameter name="folderPath" 
>>>> value="${exportFolder}/{1}/merged"/>
>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>>>>       </map:match>
>>>> Robby
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:40 AM
>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>> Thank you both for helping.
>>>> Robby,
>>>> this is the message I am getting now.
>>>> 05:35:08.304 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>> - Adding component XMLSerializer(hashCode=306853147) to pipeline
>>>> [CachingPipeline(hashCode=1346781896
>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1918414275
>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1966798757
>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/
>>>> in dex.xml)), XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=950275600
>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/)])].
>>>> 05:35:08.304 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>> - Going to link the component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1918414275
>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1966798757
>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/
>>>> in
>>>> dex.xml)) with XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=950275600
>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/).
>>>> 05:35:08.304 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>> - Going to link the component XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=950275600
>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/) with 
>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=306853147).
>>>> It looks like the baseUrl is not being resolved with the input modules. 
>>>> For example:
>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/
>>>> Your efforts is highly appreciated.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò 
>>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> On 13/11/2012 16:33, Robby Pelssers wrote:
>>>>>> Ok..
>>>>>> I fixed the issue:
>>>>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="file:///c:/tmp/"/>
>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="test" value="hello world"/>
>>>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>>>>       </map:match>
>>>>>> Works now.
>>>>>> I committed the fix to Cocoon3 trunk.
>>>>> Hi Robby,
>>>>> thank you for taking care of this: just tested your fix and the
>>>>> build runs fine.
>>>>> For records, could you please file an issue on JIRA (COCOON3), add
>>>>> your fix revision number as comment and then close it?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:49 PM
>>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>>> Ok... I found the problem.
>>>>>> Inside org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.node.AbstractSitemapNode the baseUrl is 
>>>>>> overridden, although it correctly receives the baseUrl.
>>>>>> invocationParams = {
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:///c:/tmp/
>>>>>> cacheKey={map:0}
>>>>>> test=hello world
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> protected InvocationResult invoke(final String src, final String
>>>>>> type,  final Invocation invocation) {
>>>>>>         ....
>>>>>>         // set the baseUrl  PROBLEMATIC PART
>>>>>>         invocationParams.put("baseUrl", invocation.resolve(""));
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> But before starting making changes... this might need careful attention.
>>>>>> Robby
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:32 PM
>>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>>> I'm debugging your issue and so far I'm pretty bedazzled about what the 
>>>>>> hell is going on:
>>>>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="file:///c:/tmp/"/>
>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="test" value="hello world"/>
>>>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>>>>       </map:match
>>>>>> While debugging I see following Configuration -> Map<String,
>>>>>> Object>
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/C:/workspaces/apache/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-sam
>>>>>> pl
>>>>>> e
>>>>>> /./src/main/resources/COB-INF/
>>>>>> cacheKey=aggregation/xinclude-transformer
>>>>>> test=hello world
>>>>>> Will keep you posted.. Maybe the baseUrl is somewhere overridden while 
>>>>>> setting up the pipeline? Anyone who can tell this?
>>>>>> Robby
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:19 PM
>>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>>> I can not include all my files, but here's the relevant parts:
>>>>>>             <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>>>>>>               <map:generate 
>>>>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>>>>               <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>>>>>>                   <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="false"/>
>>>>>>                   <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
>>>>>> value="file://{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/" />
>>>>>>               </map:transform>
>>>>>>               <!-- <map:transform src="sheets/html/xslthl.xsl " /> -->
>>>>>>               <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>>>>>>             </map:match>
>>>>>> In my xml file:
>>>>>>       <programlisting language="c">
>>>>>>           <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"
>>>>>> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
>>>>>>       </programlisting>
>>>>>> In the log I am getting this:
>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>>> - Going to link the component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipeline
>>>>>> s/repo/articles/example/index.xml)) with
>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/).
>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>>> - Going to link the component
>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main
>>>>>> /r
>>>>>> e
>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/)
>>>>>> wi
>>>>>> th XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408).
>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - 
>>>>>> Creating CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495 key=[]):
>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>> - ~ adding TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/i
>>>>>> nd
>>>>>> e
>>>>>> x.xml
>>>>>> timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-
>>>>>> 13 12:11:47.0)) for component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exampl
>>>>>> e/
>>>>>> i
>>>>>> ndex.xml))
>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>> - ~ adding CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
>>>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
>>>>>> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=13584830
>>>>>> 78 urls=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=334463211
>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resou
>>>>>> rc e s/COB-INF/hello.c timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 00:00:00.0))])) for
>>>>>> component
>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main
>>>>>> /r
>>>>>> e
>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/)
>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>> - ~ adding ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616
>>>>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xml}) for component
>>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)
>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>> - Creating  CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495
>>>>>> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/i
>>>>>> nd ex.xml timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-13 12:11:47.0)),
>>>>>> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
>>>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
>>>>>> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=1358483078
>>>>>> urls=[TimestampCache
>>>>>> Key(hashCode=334463211
>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resou
>>>>>> rc e s/COB-INF/hello.c timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 00:00:00.0))])),
>>>>>> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616 parameters={encoding=UTF-8,
>>>>>> method=xm
>>>>>> l})]) for pipeline CachingPipeline(hashCode=839414089
>>>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exampl
>>>>>> e/ i ndex.xm l)), XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main
>>>>>> /r
>>>>>> e
>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/),
>>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)])
>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>> - Used cache: SimpleCache(hashCode=1672230800) 12:11:57.040
>>>>>> [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - No cache
>>>>>> value available for CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495
>>>>>> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/a
>>>>>> rticles/example/index.xml timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-13
>>>>>> 12:11:47.0)), CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
>>>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
>>>>>> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=1358483078 u
>>>>>> rls=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=334463211
>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resou
>>>>>> rc e s/COB-INF/hello.c timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 00:00:00.0))])),
>>>>>> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616 parameters={encodi ng=UTF-8,
>>>>>> method=xml})]) 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Invoking first component of
>>>>>> CachingPipeline(hashCode=839414089
>>>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=12125166
>>>>>> 80
>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exampl
>>>>>> e/
>>>>>> i
>>>>>> ndex.xml)),
>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main
>>>>>> /r
>>>>>> e
>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/),
>>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)])
>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.sax.component.XMLGenerator -
>>>>>> Using the URL
>>>>>> file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/index
>>>>>> .x
>>>>>> m
>>>>>> l
>>>>>> to produce SAX events.
>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>> - reading resource
>>>>>> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/parsers/SAXParser.class
>>>>>> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>> - reading resource
>>>>>> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/parsers/XIncludeAwareParserConf
>>>>>> ig
>>>>>> u
>>>>>> ration.class
>>>>>> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>> - reading resource
>>>>>> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/dv/dtd/DTDDVFactoryImpl.cl
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> s
>>>>>> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer -
>>>>>> setDocumentLocator called null
>>>>>> 12:11:57.042 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>> - reading resource org/apache/xml/serializer/ToXMLStream.class
>>>>>> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer -
>>>>>> Processing XInclude element: href=hello.c, parse=text,
>>>>>> xpointer=null, encoding=null, accept=null, acceptLanguage=null
>>>>>> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Including 
>>>>>> source:
>>>>>> file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources
>>>>>> /C
>>>>>> O
>>>>>> B-INF/hello.c
>>>>>> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer -
>>>>>> Parse type=text
>>>>>> 12:11:57.045 [btpool0-1] ERROR o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Error 
>>>>>> including text:
>>>>>> java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>>>>>> /home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/COB-
>>>>>> IN
>>>>>> F
>>>>>> /hello.c
>>>>>> (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>         at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0]
>>>>>>         at
>>>>>> java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
>>>>>> ~[na:1.7.0]
>>>>>> Please note the logs where the baseUrl is in the COB-INF directory.
>>>>>> The base url is set to the same the same directory of the article, but 
>>>>>> the logs shows it didn't change.
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò 
>>>>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 13/11/2012 05:49, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>>>>>>> I am doing two project.
>>>>>>>> A personal one with C3.0, and one for a product, and using C2.2.
>>>>>>>> This issue is happening with C3.0.
>>>>>>>> I didn't get a chance to test the files you sent me.
>>>>>>> Ok, take a look there, then: using the XInclude transformer
>>>>>>> should be pretty straightforward.
>>>>>>>> However, from the logs (which are really hard to read), it looks like 
>>>>>>>> I am having issues with the baseUrl.
>>>>>>>> I looked into the source, and tried to set 
>>>>>>>> baseUrl="full-path-to-my-repo", but that didn't work either.
>>>>>>> Again, please take a look at [1] and [2].
>>>>>>>> Would be nice to see a document describing the attributes to be set on 
>>>>>>>> each transformer.
>>>>>>> XInclude transformer hasn't changed much since C2.1 [3] / C2.2 [4].
>>>>>>>> A clear error message can be a lot of help as well.
>>>>>>> Definitely: in your case, though, I suspect that something really
>>>>>>> "basic" is getting wrong.
>>>>>>> Please share your files if you'd like to get more in-depth help.
>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccň
>>>>>>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 12/11/2012 07:59, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Here's what I am doing:
>>>>>>>>>>      <map:match pattern="article/{id}">
>>>>>>>>>>               <map:generate 
>>>>>>>>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>>>>>>>>               <map:transform type="xinclude" />
>>>>>>>>>>               <map:serialize type="xhtml"  />
>>>>>>>>>> and this is error:
>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> did you take a look at sample sitemap.xmap [1] (around line
>>>>>>>>> 387) and specifically xinclude.xml [2]?
>>>>>>>>> BTW: which version are you running? From the reported
>>>>>>>>> stacktrace I understand C3, but some of your earlier questions were 
>>>>>>>>> referring to C2.2....
>>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-sa
>>>>>>>>> mp l e/ src/main/resources/COB-INF/sitemap.xmap
>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-sa
>>>>>>>>> mp l e/ src/main/resources/COB-INF/aggregation/xinclude.xml
>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/xinclude-transformer.html
>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/core-modules/core/2.2/985_1_1.html
>>>>> --
>>>>> Francesco Chicchiriccò
>>>>> ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member
>>>>> http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/
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