If you paid careful attention to my mail... I mimicked exactly that use case. 
See below

>> Next I setup the exact same pipeline in the sample block:
>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>         </map:transform>
>>         <map:transform src="xslt/identity.xslt"/>
>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>       </map:match>
>> No issues here.

Like I said..  you should isolate this problem to a minimalistic failing use 
case and show how I can reproduce it.  Now I have nothing concrete to go on. So 
I need a sitemap match pattern.. and preferably you can copy-paste the content 
of the input file and transformer.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2:41 PM
To: users@cocoon.apache.org
Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap

The serializer removes the extra xi:xmlns. However when you apply another 
transformation immediately after the xinclude you may get this error. Please 
try to do apply any transformation, and let me know if you are able to 
regenerate the issue.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:31 AM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> wrote:
> Hi Mansour,
> You again leave out the important bit that failed.  I still am not sure why 
> your test failed. If you look in the 
> cocoon-sample/COB-INF/aggregation/xinclude.xml you will see a file like this. 
> It could as well have declared the namespace on the root or any parent node.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sample>
>   <sub1>
>     <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; 
> href="servlet:/aggregation/sub-request"/>
>   </sub1>
>   <sub2>
>     <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"; 
> href="aggregation/sub.xml"/>
>   </sub2>
> </sample>
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sample 
> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
>   <sub1>
>     <xi:include href="servlet:/aggregation/sub-request"/>
>   </sub1>
>   <sub2>
>     <xi:include href="aggregation/sub.xml"/>
>   </sub2>
> </sample>
> So please specify exactly what your input looks like. I want to understand if 
> you made a mistake or you spotted another potential bug.
> Robby
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:47 AM
> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
> Thank you Robby. I think I found the issue. I have this in my document:
>         <programlisting language="c">
>             <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"
> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
>         </programlisting>
> Which is generating the issue.
> When I replace it with:
>         <programlisting language="c">
>             <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text" />
>         </programlisting>
> Everything works fine. This is strange because having an xmlns:xi shouldn't 
> cause this.
> Any way it's working now.
> Thank you.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 3:40 AM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> 
> wrote:
>> First I downloaded the result of invoking this unmodified pipeline.
>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>         </map:transform>
>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>       </map:match>
>> No namespace garbage left so XIncludeTransformer seems to work fine:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sample>
>>   <sub1>
>>     <sub>sub</sub>
>>   </sub1>
>>   <sub2>
>>     <sub>sub</sub>
>>   </sub2>
>> </sample>
>> Next I setup the exact same pipeline in the sample block:
>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>         </map:transform>
>>         <map:transform src="xslt/identity.xslt"/>
>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>       </map:match>
>> No issues here.
>> And just to make sure that identity.xslt was actually used I slightly 
>> modified it <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet 
>> version="1.0"
>>                 xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
>>                 xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
>>     <xsl:template match="sub1/sub">
>>       <sub>sub replaced</sub>
>>     </xsl:template>
>>     <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
>>         <xsl:copy>
>>             <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
>>         </xsl:copy>
>>     </xsl:template>
>> </xsl:stylesheet>
>> Now the result becomes:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sample>
>>   <sub1>
>>     <sub xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>sub replaced</sub>
>>   </sub1>
>>   <sub2>
>>     <sub>sub</sub>
>>   </sub2>
>> </sample>
>> But one might wonder why you left in the xi namespace in the first place. So 
>> next I removed that namespace from the xslt.
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sample>
>>   <sub1>
>>     <sub>sub replaced</sub>
>>   </sub1>
>>   <sub2>
>>     <sub>sub</sub>
>>   </sub2>
>> </sample>
>> So .... I think you might recheck if you're not doing some exotic stuff 
>> which you forgot to mention.
>> Robby
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 1:51 AM
>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>> One additional problem. This is not related to the property resolution, but 
>> to the XInclude. After I process xinclude, if I apply another 
>> transformation, I get an error:
>> Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Namespace for prefix 'xi' not found.
>>         at
>> org.apache.cocoon.sax.AbstractSAXTransformer.endPrefixMapping(Abstrac
>> t
>> SAXTransformer.java:79)
>> ~[cocoon-sax-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>>         at
>> org.apache.cocoon.sax.component.XIncludeTransformer.endPrefixMapping(
>> X
>> IncludeTransformer.java:515)
>> ~[cocoon-sax-3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT.jar:3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT]
>> The transformation can be any thing simple. Identity transformation will 
>> cause this issue as well. Here's the transformation I am applying after the 
>> xinclude:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
>> xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
>> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude";>
>>   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
>>     <xsl:copy>
>>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
>>     </xsl:copy>
>>   </xsl:template>
>> </xsl:stylesheet>
>> And here is the sitemap:
>>             <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>>                 <map:generate 
>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>                 <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>>                     <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>                     <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
>> value="file:///home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/"
>> />
>>                 </map:transform>
>>                 <map:transform src="sheets/html/identity.xsl " />
>>                 <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>>             </map:match>
>> If I remove the identity.xsl step, then things works fine.
>> I am not sure how to solve this issue, but I think I can use two <match> one 
>> for each step. However, knowing that cocoon applies xslt in a pipeline 
>> without additional tweaks, should allow me to directly process the stream 
>> with identity.xsl.
>> Thank you.
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Mansour Al Akeel 
>> <mansour.alak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Robby, thank you for taking care of this issue.
>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm closing in on finding the issue but not sure if I can fix it this week.
>>>> Test 1:  Use {global:propertyName} in @src of a generator works 
>>>> fine
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> --
>>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/{global:testProperty}.xml" />
>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>>       </map:match>
>>>> Test2: Use {global:propertyName} in the @value of a parameter does 
>>>> not seem to work
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="{global:testProperty}"/>
>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>>       </map:match>
>>>> The real magic happens in org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.InvocationImpl
>>>> public Object resolveParameter(final String parameter) {
>>>>    ....
>>>> }
>>>> But I think that method is not called for evaluating @value of a 
>>>> <map:parameter>.
>>>> If anyone can fix this today.. be my guest.  Otherwise I will take another 
>>>> look this week (latest this weekend).
>>>> Robby
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:38 PM
>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>> The solution you're looking for resides in using a LanguageInterpreter.
>>>> Cocoon already has a few implementations:
>>>> - org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SettingsInterpreter  (works 
>>>> together with cocoon-spring-configurator)
>>>> - org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.JexlLanguageInterpreter
>>>> - org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SitemapLanguageInterpreter
>>>> http://cocoon.apache.org/3.0/apidocs/index.html
>>>> In cocoon-expression-language.xml these are configured as beans. You see 
>>>> that the last part after the colon is the prefix you can use in a sitemap. 
>>>>  I think you should just use the SettingsInterpreter in your case.  It's 
>>>> the default way to access properties.
>>>> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"; 
>>>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>>>>   xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
>>>> http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd";>
>>>>   <bean 
>>>> name="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.LanguageInterpreterFactory"
>>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.PrototypeLanguageInterp
>>>> re
>>>> terFactory" />
>>>>   <bean name="expression-language:map"
>>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SitemapLanguageInterpre
>>>> te
>>>> r" />
>>>>   <bean name="expression-language:jexl"
>>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.JexlLanguageInterpreter"
>>>> />
>>>>   <bean name="expression-language:global"
>>>> class="org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.expression.SettingsInterpreter" />
>>>> </beans>
>>>> Robby
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 5:18 PM
>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>> I did a little test myself and by the looks of it it's not supported.
>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" 
>>>> value="file:///c:/{request-param:subfolder}/"/>
>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>> I hacked a bit in the cocoon-sample project and invoked this url:
>>>> http://localhost:8888/aggregation/xinclude-transformer?subfolder=tm
>>>> p
>>>> In that case I get a nice XML exception page with following message:
>>>> <message>c:\{request-param:subfolder}\xinclude\testinclude.xml (The 
>>>> filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is 
>>>> incorrect)</message>
>>>> This means... that input modules are not supported yet. Will be 
>>>> interesting to see if we plan to support this in C3.  But this would work 
>>>> in C2.2 as I've used inputmodules quite a lot.
>>>> Robby
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 4:09 PM
>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>> I am using 3.0.0-beta-1-SNAPSHOT built from trunk. Here's my sitemap:
>>>>  <map:pipeline>
>>>>           <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>>>>                 <map:generate 
>>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>>                 <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>>>>                     <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>                     <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
>>>> value="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/" />
>>>>                 </map:transform>
>>>>                 <!-- <map:transform src="sheets/html/xslthl.xsl " /> -->
>>>>                 <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>>>>             </map:match>
>>>> Here's part of the document:
>>>>         Another Example using xinclude:
>>>>         ===============
>>>>         <programlisting language="c">
>>>>             <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"
>>>> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
>>>>         </programlisting>
>>>> Here's the log:
>>>> 15:04:37.529 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline 
>>>> - ~ adding ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=516462290
>>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xml}) for component
>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=834671663)
>>>> 15:04:37.530 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline 
>>>> - Creating  CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=2115562712
>>>> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=2006330189
>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/in
>>>> de x.xml timestamp=1352905028000 (2012-11-14 14:57:08.0)),
>>>> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=772251321
>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=686698957
>>>> obj=article/example.xml)
>>>> cachedCacheKey=org.apache.cocoon.pipeline.caching.InvalidCacheKey@b
>>>> 78 a1f0d), ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=516462290
>>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8,
>>>> method=xml})]) for pipeline CachingPipeline(hashCode=1875503051
>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=437776393
>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=333002925
>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example
>>>> /i
>>>> ndex.xml)),
>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=1313024268
>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/re
>>>> so urces/COB-INF/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/),
>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=834671663)])
>>>> 15:04:37.530 [btpool0-1] INFO  o.a.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor - Going 
>>>> to send NOT MODIFIED response: statusCode=304, lastModified=-1 
>>>> 15:04:37.530 [btpool0-1] INFO  o.a.cocoon.servlet.RequestProcessor - 
>>>> Sitemap execution for /article/example.xml took 195.35498 ms.
>>>> The variables are matching the correct document, and it's served 
>>>> correctly, but without xincludes being processed.
>>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:54 AM, Robby Pelssers <robby.pelss...@nxp.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think you will need to paste the complete sitemap to get more insight 
>>>>> into your issue.  Can you please specify which version of Cocoon you're 
>>>>> using per question.. even if repeated. I really need to know the context 
>>>>> as some things might work differently between versions.
>>>>> I don't exactly remember why you used an input module. In C2.2 I 
>>>>> use properties in combination with both the 
>>>>> cocoon-spring-configurator to
>>>>> - set bean property values in the application context files
>>>>> - use them directly in my sitemap using ${propertyName}
>>>>>       <map:match pattern="exportMergedFiles/*">
>>>>>         <map:generate src="cocoon:/linkinginfo/{1}"/>
>>>>>         <map:transform src="xslt/writeTopics.xslt" type="saxon">
>>>>>           <map:parameter name="folderPath" 
>>>>> value="${exportFolder}/{1}/merged"/>
>>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>>>>>       </map:match>
>>>>> Robby
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:40 AM
>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>> Thank you both for helping.
>>>>> Robby,
>>>>> this is the message I am getting now.
>>>>> 05:35:08.304 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>> - Adding component XMLSerializer(hashCode=306853147) to pipeline
>>>>> [CachingPipeline(hashCode=1346781896
>>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1918414275
>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1966798757
>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exampl
>>>>> e/ in dex.xml)), XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=950275600
>>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/)])].
>>>>> 05:35:08.304 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>> - Going to link the component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1918414275
>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1966798757
>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exampl
>>>>> e/
>>>>> in
>>>>> dex.xml)) with XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=950275600
>>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/).
>>>>> 05:35:08.304 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>> - Going to link the component 
>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=950275600
>>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/) with 
>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=306853147).
>>>>> It looks like the baseUrl is not being resolved with the input modules. 
>>>>> For example:
>>>>> baseUrl=file:/{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/
>>>>> Your efforts is highly appreciated.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò 
>>>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On 13/11/2012 16:33, Robby Pelssers wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok..
>>>>>>> I fixed the issue:
>>>>>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>>>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>>>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="file:///c:/tmp/"/>
>>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="test" value="hello world"/>
>>>>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>>>>>       </map:match>
>>>>>>> Works now.
>>>>>>> I committed the fix to Cocoon3 trunk.
>>>>>> Hi Robby,
>>>>>> thank you for taking care of this: just tested your fix and the 
>>>>>> build runs fine.
>>>>>> For records, could you please file an issue on JIRA (COCOON3), 
>>>>>> add your fix revision number as comment and then close it?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:49 PM
>>>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>>>> Ok... I found the problem.
>>>>>>> Inside org.apache.cocoon.sitemap.node.AbstractSitemapNode the baseUrl 
>>>>>>> is overridden, although it correctly receives the baseUrl.
>>>>>>> invocationParams = {
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:///c:/tmp/
>>>>>>> cacheKey={map:0}
>>>>>>> test=hello world
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> protected InvocationResult invoke(final String src, final String 
>>>>>>> type,  final Invocation invocation) {
>>>>>>>         ....
>>>>>>>         // set the baseUrl  PROBLEMATIC PART
>>>>>>>         invocationParams.put("baseUrl", invocation.resolve(""));
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> But before starting making changes... this might need careful attention.
>>>>>>> Robby
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Robby Pelssers [mailto:robby.pelss...@nxp.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:32 PM
>>>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>>>> Subject: RE: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>>>> I'm debugging your issue and so far I'm pretty bedazzled about what the 
>>>>>>> hell is going on:
>>>>>>>       <map:match equals="aggregation/xinclude-transformer">
>>>>>>>         <map:generate src="aggregation/xinclude.xml" />
>>>>>>>         <map:transform type="xinclude">
>>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="{map:0}"/>
>>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="baseUrl" value="file:///c:/tmp/"/>
>>>>>>>             <map:parameter name="test" value="hello world"/>
>>>>>>>         </map:transform>
>>>>>>>         <map:serialize type="xml" />
>>>>>>>       </map:match
>>>>>>> While debugging I see following Configuration -> Map<String,
>>>>>>> Object>
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/C:/workspaces/apache/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-s
>>>>>>> am
>>>>>>> pl
>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> /./src/main/resources/COB-INF/
>>>>>>> cacheKey=aggregation/xinclude-transformer
>>>>>>> test=hello world
>>>>>>> Will keep you posted.. Maybe the baseUrl is somewhere overridden while 
>>>>>>> setting up the pipeline? Anyone who can tell this?
>>>>>>> Robby
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Mansour Al Akeel [mailto:mansour.alak...@gmail.com]
>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:19 PM
>>>>>>> To: users@cocoon.apache.org
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: XInclude in sitemap.xmap
>>>>>>> I can not include all my files, but here's the relevant parts:
>>>>>>>             <map:match pattern="article/{id}.xml">
>>>>>>>               <map:generate 
>>>>>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>>>>>               <map:transform type="xinclude" >
>>>>>>>                   <map:parameter name="cacheKey" value="false"/>
>>>>>>>                   <map:parameter name="baseUrl"
>>>>>>> value="file://{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/" />
>>>>>>>               </map:transform>
>>>>>>>               <!-- <map:transform src="sheets/html/xslthl.xsl " /> -->
>>>>>>>               <map:serialize type="xml"  />
>>>>>>>             </map:match>
>>>>>>> In my xml file:
>>>>>>>       <programlisting language="c">
>>>>>>>           <xi:include  href="hello.c"  parse="text"
>>>>>>> xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
>>>>>>>       </programlisting>
>>>>>>> In the log I am getting this:
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>>>> - Going to link the component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377 
>>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
>>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipeline
>>>>>>> s/repo/articles/example/index.xml)) with
>>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/main/resources/COB-INF/).
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline
>>>>>>> - Going to link the component
>>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/ma
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> /r
>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/)
>>>>>>> wi
>>>>>>> th XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408).
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - 
>>>>>>> Creating CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495 key=[]):
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>>> - ~ adding TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
>>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example
>>>>>>> /i
>>>>>>> nd
>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> x.xml
>>>>>>> timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-
>>>>>>> 13 12:11:47.0)) for component XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377 
>>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
>>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exam
>>>>>>> pl
>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>> ndex.xml))
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>>> - ~ adding CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
>>>>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false) 
>>>>>>> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=13584830
>>>>>>> 78 urls=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=334463211
>>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/res
>>>>>>> ou rc e s/COB-INF/hello.c timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 
>>>>>>> 00:00:00.0))])) for component
>>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/ma
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> /r
>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/)
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.039 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>>> - ~ adding ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616
>>>>>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xml}) for component
>>>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>>> - Creating  CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495
>>>>>>> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
>>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example
>>>>>>> /i nd ex.xml timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-13 12:11:47.0)),
>>>>>>> CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
>>>>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
>>>>>>> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=1358483078
>>>>>>> urls=[TimestampCache
>>>>>>> Key(hashCode=334463211
>>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/res
>>>>>>> ou rc e s/COB-INF/hello.c timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 
>>>>>>> 00:00:00.0))])),
>>>>>>> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616 
>>>>>>> parameters={encoding=UTF-8, method=xm
>>>>>>> l})]) for pipeline CachingPipeline(hashCode=839414089
>>>>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
>>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=1212516680
>>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exam
>>>>>>> pl e/ i ndex.xm l)), XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/ma
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> /r
>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/),
>>>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)])
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline
>>>>>>> - Used cache: SimpleCache(hashCode=1672230800) 12:11:57.040 
>>>>>>> [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.cocoon.pipeline.CachingPipeline - No cache 
>>>>>>> value available for CompoundCacheKey(hashCode=518365495
>>>>>>> key=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=1975202233
>>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/a
>>>>>>> rticles/example/index.xml timestamp=1352808707000 (2012-11-13 
>>>>>>> 12:11:47.0)), CachedCacheKey(hashCode=1855990413
>>>>>>> internalCacheKey=ObjectCacheKey(hashCode=1421714705 obj=false)
>>>>>>> cachedCacheKey=URLListCacheKey(hashCode=1358483078 u
>>>>>>> rls=[TimestampCacheKey(hashCode=334463211
>>>>>>> url=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/res
>>>>>>> ou rc e s/COB-INF/hello.c timestamp=0 (1970-01-01 
>>>>>>> 00:00:00.0))])),
>>>>>>> ParameterCacheKey(hashCode=1430898616 parameters={encodi 
>>>>>>> ng=UTF-8,
>>>>>>> method=xml})]) 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG 
>>>>>>> o.a.cocoon.pipeline.AbstractPipeline - Invoking first component 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> CachingPipeline(hashCode=839414089
>>>>>>> components=[XMLGenerator(hashCode=1295514377
>>>>>>> internalGenerator=URLGenerator(hashCode=12125166
>>>>>>> 80
>>>>>>> source=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/exam
>>>>>>> pl
>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>> ndex.xml)),
>>>>>>> XIncludeTransformer(hashCode=373437306
>>>>>>> baseUrl=file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/./src/ma
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> /r
>>>>>>> e
>>>>>>> sources/COB-INF/),
>>>>>>> XMLSerializer(hashCode=1413585408)])
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.sax.component.XMLGenerator 
>>>>>>> - Using the URL 
>>>>>>> file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/repo/articles/example/ind
>>>>>>> ex
>>>>>>> .x
>>>>>>> m
>>>>>>> l
>>>>>>> to produce SAX events.
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.040 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>>> - reading resource
>>>>>>> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/parsers/SAXParser.class
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>>> - reading resource
>>>>>>> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/parsers/XIncludeAwareParserCo
>>>>>>> nf
>>>>>>> ig
>>>>>>> u
>>>>>>> ration.class
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>>> - reading resource
>>>>>>> com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/dv/dtd/DTDDVFactoryImpl.
>>>>>>> cl
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> s
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.041 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - 
>>>>>>> setDocumentLocator called null
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.042 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
>>>>>>> o.a.c.jci.stores.MemoryResourceStore
>>>>>>> - reading resource org/apache/xml/serializer/ToXMLStream.class
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - 
>>>>>>> Processing XInclude element: href=hello.c, parse=text, 
>>>>>>> xpointer=null, encoding=null, accept=null, acceptLanguage=null
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - 
>>>>>>> Including source:
>>>>>>> file:/home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resourc
>>>>>>> es
>>>>>>> /C
>>>>>>> O
>>>>>>> B-INF/hello.c
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.043 [btpool0-1] DEBUG o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - 
>>>>>>> Parse type=text
>>>>>>> 12:11:57.045 [btpool0-1] ERROR o.a.c.s.c.XIncludeTransformer - Error 
>>>>>>> including text:
>>>>>>> java.io.FileNotFoundException:
>>>>>>> /home/mansour/workspace/pipelines/contents/src/main/resources/CO
>>>>>>> B-
>>>>>>> IN
>>>>>>> F
>>>>>>> /hello.c
>>>>>>> (No such file or directory)
>>>>>>>         at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0]
>>>>>>>         at
>>>>>>> java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:138)
>>>>>>> ~[na:1.7.0]
>>>>>>> Please note the logs where the baseUrl is in the COB-INF directory.
>>>>>>> The base url is set to the same the same directory of the article, but 
>>>>>>> the logs shows it didn't change.
>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:43 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccò 
>>>>>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 13/11/2012 05:49, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am doing two project.
>>>>>>>>> A personal one with C3.0, and one for a product, and using C2.2.
>>>>>>>>> This issue is happening with C3.0.
>>>>>>>>> I didn't get a chance to test the files you sent me.
>>>>>>>> Ok, take a look there, then: using the XInclude transformer 
>>>>>>>> should be pretty straightforward.
>>>>>>>>> However, from the logs (which are really hard to read), it looks like 
>>>>>>>>> I am having issues with the baseUrl.
>>>>>>>>> I looked into the source, and tried to set 
>>>>>>>>> baseUrl="full-path-to-my-repo", but that didn't work either.
>>>>>>>> Again, please take a look at [1] and [2].
>>>>>>>>> Would be nice to see a document describing the attributes to be set 
>>>>>>>>> on each transformer.
>>>>>>>> XInclude transformer hasn't changed much since C2.1 [3] / C2.2 [4].
>>>>>>>>> A clear error message can be a lot of help as well.
>>>>>>>> Definitely: in your case, though, I suspect that something 
>>>>>>>> really "basic" is getting wrong.
>>>>>>>> Please share your files if you'd like to get more in-depth help.
>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Francesco Chicchiriccň 
>>>>>>>>> <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 12/11/2012 07:59, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Here's what I am doing:
>>>>>>>>>>>      <map:match pattern="article/{id}">
>>>>>>>>>>>               <map:generate 
>>>>>>>>>>> src="{global:base.repo.path}/articles/{map:id}/index.xml" />
>>>>>>>>>>>               <map:transform type="xinclude" />
>>>>>>>>>>>               <map:serialize type="xhtml"  />
>>>>>>>>>>> and this is error:
>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> did you take a look at sample sitemap.xmap [1] (around line
>>>>>>>>>> 387) and specifically xinclude.xml [2]?
>>>>>>>>>> BTW: which version are you running? From the reported 
>>>>>>>>>> stacktrace I understand C3, but some of your earlier questions were 
>>>>>>>>>> referring to C2.2....
>>>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-
>>>>>>>>>> sa mp l e/ src/main/resources/COB-INF/sitemap.xmap
>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cocoon/cocoon3/trunk/cocoon-
>>>>>>>>>> sa mp l e/ 
>>>>>>>>>> src/main/resources/COB-INF/aggregation/xinclude.xml
>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/xinclude-transformer.html
>>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>>> http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/core-modules/core/2.2/985_1_1.html
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Francesco Chicchiriccò
>>>>>> ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member 
>>>>>> http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/
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