Michel Talon wrote:

> This is nice to know, i was under the impression i was so dumb as
> being unable to use portupgrade (yes, my experience is not far from
> yours) when so many people swear on the bible that they regularly
> upgrade their machine with portupgrade without a single hiccup :-)

It nigh always worked for me and I always did it on production systems,

The notable exception is that when updating Perl, more often than not,
Perl modules needed recompiling which it didn't ever do for me.

However, a portupgrade -f "p5*" always took care of that for me.

OTOH, I'd be the last to say portupgrade is perfect. It has it's place
and surely scratches a bad itch with FreeBSD. As for apt, I use a
KUbuntu (a Debian derivative) on my desktop. Apt isn't entirely
foolproof either, it has done weird stuff more than once on my machine
(including, but that was reportedly caused by a broken package,
shredding my .kde).

Long story short: the perfect system doesn't yet exist. OSX .app
approach comes close but is totally different paradigm and not really
what a BSD should be after. Library issues aside, self contained
binaries would however be a nice thing. At least installing everything
in it's own /usr/local subdir and then just symlinking the commands into
the path could greatly reduce the clutter in /usr.

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