Hi George,

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 03:40:08PM +0530, Siju George wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Francois Tigeot <ftig...@wolfpond.org>
> wrote:
> > I think sysutils/rsnapshot does what you want. It uses hard links to
> > simulate snapshots on classic filesystems and manages different ranges
> > of snapshots.
> > You can specify how much snapshots you want to keep for each range:
> >
> >  [rsnapshot.conf]
> >  interval        daily   7
> >  interval        monthly 12
> >
> > The hammer utility would be much better if it implemented some similar
> > mechanism IMHO.
>  I am familiar with rsnapshot and have been using it/backuppc but I guess
> hammer snapshot is much faster and that rsnapshot when the directory has
> many files.
> Also when there are many small changes to many files spread over the day
> rsnapshot will store all the changed file as they are induvidually and will
> take more space if I take a snapshot every 5 mins.

Yeah, I'm in full agreement with you.

I think I was a bit misanderstood: Hammer performance is *much better* than
rsnapshot (obviously) but there is no way to easily tell it to keep its
snapshot distribution in different intervals for archiving purposes.
This is the one thing rsnapshot does extremely well; I was just trying to say
this is a good idea we should steal :-)

Francois Tigeot

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