
Now, part II:

I was very happy copying my 234GB of data to the new and shiny PFS over my
only-data 1TB disk, when circa 9GB copied, the system just freeze. Yes
freeze in the normal sense: no interaction, no messages, no logs, just me
alone with the hope that my backup external disk continues to have their

Any clue about this? Listing the 'moving parts' of the situation:

- a 500GB Samsung (S2) external USB HDD with NTFS
- a DragonFly kernel 3.0.2 which is cherry-picked from commit
- a Seagate internal SATA HDD 1TB with HAMMER and a PFS, this is not a
system disk

My intention is, as noted in other message, to be able to HAMMERize the USB
HDD and turn it into a mirror of the PFS in the Seagate. The first of all
actions is failing: copy data to initialize my backup.

Thanks in advance!

Raimundo A. P. Santos
Bacharelando em Informática

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