On Wed, 20 Jun 2012 16:22:30 +0200, Raimundo Santos <rait...@gmail.com> wrote:


Now, part II:

I was very happy copying my 234GB of data to the new and shiny PFS over my
only-data 1TB disk, when circa 9GB copied, the system just freeze. Yes
freeze in the normal sense: no interaction, no messages, no logs, just me
alone with the hope that my backup external disk continues to have their

Does CTL-ALT-ESC work to drop to ddb? If it does and you are at the db> prompt, please do 'call dumpsys' and see if it dumps (numbers counting and hard disk activity). When it goes back to db>, you can 'reset'. The dump will then be written to /var/crash (kern.xxx and vmcore.xxx) when the system comes up again.

These files could help us figure out what the system was doing when it froze.


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