
I'm currently looking at CXF for the needs I have here and I'm having
difficulties to figure out whether it fits. Hopefully some on the ML
could help me (thanks in advance!).

My "ideal" world needs are :
- defining the service in Java through annotations
- publishing it both through some Web Service and REST
- feeding the service with my own Guice managed objects
- making it available through my own web application (namely a wicket one)
- having some documentation (not only the WSDL but as well some docs
based on the written Javadoc) automatically generated in a way that
makes it easy to provide to my service's users
- integration with maven and m2eclipse (ability to launch my web
service as a Java embedded app from eclipse would be a bonus)

Is it possible ? Could you give links/helps/tips ?

Up to now, I found that it was possible to create a web application
delivering Web Service or REST (but both I've no clue) and the others
questions remain unresolved.

Thanks in advance

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