Hi Nono,

is there some documentation around on how to do them both together ?
The only thing close to it I found is this blog entry :
which makes it seems not straightforward.
I am not sure how it is not as straightforward as it could get. But to get you jump started, basically just combine/overlap the jax-rs and jax-ws tags in your service interface. If you use annotation, then you could just do something of the following:

@SOAPBinding(use=Use.LITERAL, style=Style.RPC)
public interface Service
   public long method(
           long someParam

and in the implementation:

@WebService(endpointInterface="some.domain.Service", serviceName="Service", portName="ServicePort")
public class ServiceImpl implements Service{

Simply, just combine the annotations of Jax-rs and jax-ws as specified in the user's guide.



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