evilh...@yandex.ru wrote:
Hi I've created java webservice with .NET client with CXF. I have no problems 
with import of the WSDL to .NET client. But when I make some requests I see 
parameters in logged XML request. But when I check this parameters in the 
debugger there are nulls for all of them.
@WebParam(name="...") annotations were added, correct methods are invoked, but 
parameters are null.
How can I fix it? Thanks!
I have this issue too.
I solve it by modifying DocLiteralInInterceptor -
function private void getPara() to allow parameters name resolution.

I know this is not a good solution - but it works.

private void getPara(DepthXMLStreamReader xmlReader,
                        DataReader<XMLStreamReader> dr,
                        MessageContentsList parameters,
                        Iterator<MessagePartInfo> itr,
                        Message message) {

       boolean hasNext = true;
       while (itr.hasNext()) {
           MessagePartInfo part = itr.next();
           if (hasNext) {
               hasNext = StaxUtils.toNextElement(xmlReader);
           Object obj = null;
           if (hasNext) {
               QName rname = xmlReader.getName();
               while (part != null
&& !(rname.equals(part.getConcreteName()) || rname.equals(part.getElementQName()))) {
                   if (part.getXmlSchema() instanceof XmlSchemaElement) {
//TODO - should check minOccurs=0 and throw validation exception
                       //thing if the part needs to be here
                       parameters.put(part, null);

                   if (itr.hasNext()) {
                       part = itr.next();
                   } else {
                       part = null;
               if (part == null) {
if (rname.equals(part.getConcreteName()) || rname.equals(part.getElementQName())) {
                   obj = dr.read(part, xmlReader);
           parameters.put(part, obj);

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